Page 5 - Primitives By Kathy Pet Catalog
P. 5

meet the pets

                                                                                                         The pet models in
                                                                                                         this catalog belong to
                                                                                                         employees and friends of
                                                                                                         Primitives by Kathy. Each
                                                                                                         one brings its own unique
                                                                                                         personality to the pages.
        Georgia, Newfoundland   Westley, Hug (Husky/Pug mix) Stella, Long-Haired   Kodiak, Labrador Retriever
        PBK Parent: Savannah,   PBK Parent: Angela, Supply   Dachshund          PBK Parent: Mike, Kathy's
        Kathy's Circle of Friends   Chain Administrator  PBK Parent: Lori, Kathy's   Ex-Husband. Kodiak was one of
        Disc Jockey                                     Best Friend since high school  PBK's sponsored service dogs
                                                                                that could not be assigned to a
                                                                                service client due to his allergies.

        Mr. Cooper, Golden Retriever  Addi, Golden Retreiver  Kagney, Labradoodle  Chet, Bassett Hound  Nash, Jack Russell/Dachshund/
        PBK Parent: Sharon, Supply   PBK Parent: Friend of   PBK Parent: PBK's newest   PBK Parent: Leah, Senior   Chihuahua Mix
        Chain Manager           Mr. Cooper              sponsored UDS service dog.   Photographer       PBK Parent: Erika,
                                                        Over the next two years he'll                   Inventory Control
                                                        go through several phases of
                                                        training before being matched
                                                        up with a client.

        Cali, Weimaraner        Ruby, Boston Terrier    Max, French Bulldog     Presley, Magpie         Yuki, Snow Leopard Bengal
        PBK Parent: Ryan, Ecommerce/  PBK Parent: Mariah,   PBK Parent: Melissa, Senior   PBK Parent: Alyssa,   PBK Parent: Gabi, Senior
        Web designer/Web developer  Showroom Associate  Key Account Manager     Graphic Designer        Graphic Designer
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