Page 64 - Primitives By Kathy Pet Catalog
P. 64
RUSTIC SASSY PET 101704 Each 101703 Each
002-00750 / 012-00675
Mug - Dog Coffee
Mug - Cat Coffee
20 oz. 002-00750 / 012-00675
20 oz.
Stoneware Stoneware
Double-sided. Microwave, oven, Double-sided. Microwave, oven,
dishwasher, and food safe dishwasher, and food safe
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PILLOWS 002-00750 | 012-00675 | 10" x 10" | Cotton, Zipper | Double-sided, Polyester filling
n 107970 Each Z n 107971 Each Z n 107969 Each Z n 107968 Each Z
Pillow - My Dog & I Pillow - Personal Space Pillow - Crazy People Pillow - My Cat & I
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