Page 73 - Primitives By Kathy Pet Catalog
P. 73

105127              FOLK ART / SASSY PET  RUSTIC





         105112 Each             105111 Each              106477 Each              105127 Each         105128 Each
         002-01650 / 012-01485   002-01650 / 012-01485    004-00900 / 024-00810    004-00195 / 024-00176  004-00195 / 024-00176
         Slat Box Sign - Better Friend  Slat Box Sign - Best Friend  Vase - Olive Branches  List Pad - Best Friend  List Pad - A Good Day
         14" x 10.25" x 1.75"    14" x 11" x 1.75"        3" Diameter x 22"        2.75" x 9.50" x 0.25"  2.75" x 9.50" x 0.25"
         Wood                    Wood                     Glass, Plastic, Wire, Stone  Paper, Magnet   Paper, Magnet
        v<1*!"$%=afbbcJ<~       v<1*!"$%=afbbbC<w         Complete as shown        60 pages and strong magnet,   60 pages and strong magnet,
                                                         v<1*!"$%=agehhI<}         Made in the USA     Made in the USA
                                                                                  v<1*!"$%=afbchD<x   v<1*!"$%=afbciA<u
          PILLOWS  002-00950  |  012-00855  |  15" x 10"  |  Cotton  |  Polyester filling

                    101675 Each                             101673 Each                          101674 Each
                    Pillow - Pets Welcome                   Pillow - Zoo In Here                 Pillow - Free Range Pets
                   v<1*!"$%=abghfD<x                       v<1*!"$%=abghdJ<~                   v<1*!"$%=abgheG<{

         Pet Beds feature double-                                                                   Front & back shown.
         sided sentiments, gusset
         sentiment, and zipper for
         easy cleaning of cover.

                                                                           101672 Each Z
                                                                           001-03950 / 006-03555
                                                                           Pet Bed - Basically A Zoo
                                                                           30" x 20" x 10"
                                                                           Double-sided, Zipper cover, Polyester filling
                                                                          v<1*!"$%=abghcC<w                                  71
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