Page 81 - Primitives By Kathy Pet Catalog
P. 81

Antiqued metal                                                                                                   RUSTIC
            clasp easily affixes
            to any dog collar.                                                                                             LEASHES / PET WASTE BAG POUCHES / PET BANDANAS
            Canvas Leashes
            are packaged on
            dog-bone shaped                                                106849 Each                  106850 Each
            cards to create a                                              002-01250 / 012-01125        002-01250 / 012-01125
            beautiful in-store                                             Dog Leash - Say Walk         Dog Leash - Nice Things
            display.                                                       72" x 1.50"                  72" x 1.50"
                                                                           Cotton, Metal                Canvas, Metal
                                                                          v<1*!"$%=agiejD<x            v<1*!"$%=agifaJ<~

         103590 Each
         002-01250 / 012-01125
         Dog Leash - Better With Dog
         72" x 1.50"          103589 Each
         Canvas, Metal        002-01250 / 012-01125
        v<1*!"$%=adfjaH<|     Dog Leash - Wigglebutts
                              72" x 1.50"            39829 Each
                              Canvas, Metal          002-01250 / 012-01125
                             v<1*!"$%=adfijB<v       Dog Leash - Love And A Dog
                                                     72" x 1.50"
                                                     Canvas, Metal         Charms add a touch of personality to pet collars and
                                                    }<8)$&!%=djicjJ<~      leashes. Find everyday charms on pages 30-31 and 46-47.

          PET WASTE BAG DISPENSERS  004-00275  |  024-00248  |  3.50" x 3.50"  |  Post-Consumer Material, Metal, Nylon  |  Double-sided. Waste bags not included.
                                                                                                                Attaches to leash
                                                                                                                handle with velcro strap.

                               103604 Each                                 103606 Each                           103605 Each
                               Pet Waste Bag Pouch -                       Pet Waste Bag Pouch -                 Pet Waste Bag Pouch -
                               Work                                        Rescued                               Beware
                              v<1*!"$%=adgaeB<v                           v<1*!"$%=adgagF<z                     v<1*!"$%=adgafI<}

                    Made of soft rayon to resist dirt. Displayed on
                    a sturdy cardboard hanger that easily allows
                    customers to try on their pets in store.
                                                   PET BANDANAS  004-00475  |  024-00428  |  Sizes Vary  |  Rayon  |  Machine-washable, All-over print design


                                                   106851 Each h       106853 Each h          103607 Each h      103609 Each h
                                                   Sm Pet Bandana - Rescued  Sm Pet Bandana - At Home  Sm Pet Bandana - Beware  Sm Pet Bandana - Love
                                                   16" x 16"           16" x 16"              16" x 16"          16" x 16"
                                                  v<1*!"$%=agifbG<{   v<1*!"$%=agifdA<u      v<1*!"$%=adgahC<w   v<1*!"$%=adgajG<{
                                                   106852 Each h       106854 Each h          103608 Each h      103610 Each h
                                                   Lg Pet Bandana - Rescued  Lg Pet Bandana - At Home  Lg Pet Bandana - Beware  Lg Pet Bandana - Love
                                                   21" x 21"           21" x 21"              21" x 21"          21" x 21"
                                                  v<1*!"$%=agifcD<x   v<1*!"$%=agifeH<|      v<1*!"$%=adgaiJ<~   v<1*!"$%=adgbaC<w

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