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2                                                NEW YORK PUZZLE COMPANY                                                     NYPC CHARITIES                               NEW YORK PUZZLE COMPANY                     CHARITIES               3


      PLACE AN ORDER                                                    NYPC makes a difference:                                                              The NYPC team and the charities we support:

                                                                                                                                                              National Audubon Society: "The charity I chose for 1% For the Planet is the
          (347) 815-1234                                                Giving back: New York Puzzle Company                                                  National Audubon Society. I was fortunate to grow up near an Audubon Center,
          (203) 647-6236                                                decided to take its environmental engagement                                          which introduced me to the importance of nature conservation at an early age.
                                                                        one step further by becoming a member of                                              From educational programs to beautiful hiking trails and even casual birding,

                                                                        1% for the Planet. This means we pledge 1%                                            the National Audubon Society encourages the connection of nature as well as
                                                                        of the sale of each puzzle to environmental                                           the reminder of preservation."
                                                                        non-profits committed to creating a healthy
      SALES INQUIRIES                                                   planet. Find out more about 1% for the planet                 Priscilla Alexander

                                and our partner non-profits at
          (347) 630-9605                                                                                                                                      Surfrider Foundation: "Having grown up and lived next to the ocean all of my life,
                                                                                                                                                              the natural coastal environment is a big part of who I am. Seeing the deteriorating
                                                                                                                                                              state of this natural environment due to man-made pollution inspired me to choose
                                                                                                                                                              the Surfrider Foundation as my 1% for the planet partner. They are dedicated to
      CUSTOMER SERVICE INQUIRIES                                                                                                                              defending, saving, improving and managing in a sustainable manner the ocean,

                                 Made in the USA: We take pride in the fact                                            coastline, waves and the people who enjoy them. I want to do what I can to make
                                                                        that all of our puzzles, totes and cards are                                          sure that these beautiful habitats and ecosystems remain for generations to come."
          (347) 815-1234
                                                                        fully manufactured in the United States.                       Etienne Coutant
                                                                        This means we can assure they are all top
                                                                        quality products made for you locally by                                              Zeppa Center for Community Change: "I chose the Zeppa Center for Community
      REMITTANCE ADDRESS                                                people making a living wage.                                                          Change because I find it very near and dear to my heart. Being raised in a city
                                                                                                                                                              where we had a local farmers market within walking distance that offered very
      P.O. BOX 32104
                                                                                                                                                              inexpensive healthy foods that families of all income sizes could afford, I cannot
      New York, NY 10087-2104
                                                                                                                                                              imagine being raised in my community without this opportunity. Knowing and
                                                                                                                                                              understanding that the Zeppa Family Foundation is making this happen for other
      MAILING ADDRESS                                                   Environmental Responsibility: One of                                                  low-income families in different communities makes my heart smile."
      178 Columbus Ave                                                  New York Puzzle Company’s core values is                      Stephanie Aponte
      P.O. Box 237124                                                   its dedication to environmental responsibility.
      New York, NY 10023                                                We make every effort to reduce our impact on
                                                                        the environment while providing you with an                                           Global Wildlife Conservation: "We live on a planet that is made up of an intricate
                                                                        artistic and entertaining product.                                                    system of wildlife with complex relationships. Losing even one species can have a
                                                                        The shrinkwrap for our box is recyclable. We                                          devastating effect on people and the environment. Global Wildlife Conservation
                                                                        use 100  % recycled chipboard for all of our                                          protects all sorts of wildlife – from bees that pollinate our plants to predators that
                                                                        boxes and puzzles. Our printing is done with                                          control the populations of pests and even trees that prevent flooding to promote
                                                                        soy inks. Even the bag that holds the pieces                                          a healthier climate. No one person, animal or plant exists in isolation. That is why
                                                                        inside is made from biodegradable plastic.                                            I have chosen the Global Wildlife Conservation to be my choice for our 1% for the
                                                                        So when it is time for this puzzle to pass into                  Adam Silver          Planet donation."
                                                                        its next phase, rest assured that it is fully
                                                                        recyclable and compostable. Also, even our
                                                                        totes are made from organic cotton!                                          "One of the charities I chose to support is They are an organization
                                                                                                                                                              that recognizes the immensity of the current climate crisis and is working toward
                                                                                                                                                              addressing these issues in daring and courageous ways. By advocating for 100  %
                                                                                                                                                              renewable energy for all, they not only are working on cleaning up our planet but also
                                                                                                                                                              working for justice of all the people of the world who are suffering and will suffer most
                                                                                                                                                              due to the effects of climate change."

                                                                                                                                       Sarah Dickinson
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