Page 20 - New York Puzzle Co
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    20          CORNELL LAB                MAIN COLLECTION AND GAME COLLECTION                                                     MAIN COLLECTION                                       MAIN COLLECTION                CORNELL LAB               21

                                                     Highlight                                                                    Look for these Call Outs!                                                            Scan me!
        The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
        is a world leader in the study,        NEW                                                                                 +  POSTER                            +  QR code
        appreciation, and conservation
        of birds. Its hallmarks are scien-                                                       8QOIRR-;AHLL.                    SKUs with this logo feature           When you see it, the puzzle back
        tific excellence and technolog-                                                                                           information on a poster inside        has a QR code that will link you to
        ical innovation to advance the                                                                                            each box to help you learn and        the sounds of the bird you are
        understanding of nature and
                                                                                                                                  idendtify the animals in the puzzle.  puzzling together.
        to engage people of all ages in                                                                                                                                                                                  American Robin
        learning about birds and
        protecting the planet.

        Founded in 1915, the Cornell Lab
        is a nonprofit organization sup-                                                                                                                          8QOIRR-;AFFH.                        8QOIRR-;AFFJN
        ported by 100,000 friends and
        members. It has an interactive
        community that includes 400,000
        citizen-science participants from
        all walks of life and 14 million bird
        enthusiasts of all ages who
        connect with the Cornell Lab
        online at
                                                                                                                                                          + QR code                             + QR code
                                               KIDS                                                                                                       + POSTER                              + POSTER
                                               Bird Two Piece Colors (NPZCB2082)                                                  Birds of Eastern/Central North America     Birds of Western North America
                                               2x10 pieces                                 $7.25                                  (NPZCB1836) 1000 pieces  $9.50        (NPZCB1837)             $9.50
                                                                                                                                                                        1000 pieces
                                               NEW                                                                                                                                                                           FREE
        ORNITHOLOGY COLLECTION                                                                   8QOIRR-;AHLKX                    Look what is inside!                                                                     POSTER
        •  PUZZLES                                                                                                                Birds of Eastern / Central North America and Birds of Western America puzzles
        •  MINI PUZZLES                                                                                                           each come with a 27" × 19" poster with a more information about the 120 birds
        •  PLAYING CARDS                                                                                                          featured and a QR code which lets you hear each of their songs.
        •  GAMES
        •  MUG

                                                                                                                                            How it works:

                                                                                                                                     1.     Download App.                2.    Scan QR code on                   3.    Hear the bird on
        New puzzle matching games!                                                                                                                                             box back or poster.                     your phone.
        Our new games for younger
        children focus on teaching them
        colors and numbers with 10
        different 2-piece puzzles inside
        each box. As an added bonus,
        scan the QR code with the Bird
        QR app to listen to the bird calls
        for even more educational fun.

                                               KIDS                                                                                                                                 Look for
                                               Bird Two Piece Numbers (NPZCB2081)                                                                                                   this logo.
                                               2x10 pieces                                 $7.25
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25