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SUGARBOOGER PRODUCT DETAILS  SALES REPS + TERMS   Minimum US Opening Order $300 • Minimum US Reorder $150

        Oré Customer Service        Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana,   Southeast             Maine & New Hampshire
        M-F  8:00 - 4:30 PST        Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas,   Road Runners LLC      Western & Central MA
        US/Canada:                  Iowa, Nebraska              888-674-6349 phone      Kara Salvadore
        800-367-2675 toll free      The Portico Collection  207-650-2925 phone
        International:              800-595-9292 phone                        
        562-961-3300 phone       Vermont & Western MA  Mima Roberts         Eastern Upstate NY &                        802-299-5621 phone      Western/Central Upstate NY
                                    Minnesota, North    Mary Twichell
        California, Nevada, Arizona,   Dakota, South Dakota                             315-506-0876 phone
        New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah   Twist Sales                 RI, Cape Cod & The Islands
        Colorado & Hawaii           952-932-7191 phone          Ana Rothenbuhler Vicuna
        Fine Lines Company              401-255-9846 phone      Natural Grocery Rep
        213-748-4475 phone                                  Off The Shelf Reps    Illinois, Indiana & Michigan                        516-939-4616 phone   Patti White & Co. Inc.      Eastern MA    
                                    800-922-7717 phone          Laura Sjoberg
        Pacific Northwest, Oregon,           617-620-2767 phone      Canada
        Washington, Alaska, Idaho &    YYZ Distribution
        Montana                                                                         905-604-6115 phone
 Holds 10 fl. oz.   206-763-2559 phone  Mid-Atlantic            Connecticut   
 Snacker holds ¼ cup.  New York City       Mary Pat Igoe-Walton         Metropolitan Area           860-664-9187 phone
                                    & New Jersey              International Accounts
        Ohio                        Contact Ore’ Originals                              Oré or see website for details
        Monica K & Associates       562-961-3300 phone                                  562-961-3300 x 13 phone
        323-401-1185 phone                            

      WELCOME TO ORÉ             • Using a credit card will expedite   • Freight charges will be added to     Returns and Exchange form, available
      • Thank you for your interest in our   your shipment. If prepaying by check,   your invoice.  on our website, and fax it to us at
      products! Wholesale orders can be   contact customer service for a freight   •  We do not offer drop shipping.  562-961-3305 with a copy of your
      submitted  by  fax,  phone,  email,  at   estimate and allow two weeks for check   •  Backorders  will be  shipped  within   original order or invoice copy.
      our website, or through your local   clearance before the order will ship.  60 days of original ship date or be     • Any claims of damages, shortages,
      representative.  First  time  customers   •  To apply  for  net  30  terms,  please   cancelled. All backorders under $50 will   or defective merchandise must  be
      please send an email to logininfo@  complete and sign our Oré Credit   be automatically cancelled. If you do   reported  within  10  days  of  receipt  to  receive  login   Application, which is available online   not accept backorders, it must be noted   of order.
      information to access the wholesale   under the Wholesale Terms section.   on your order. Normal freight will be   • Transit claims and damages must be
      portion of our website and set up your   Submit via fax at 562-961-3305 and   charged on back-ordered goods.  made with transit company within 7
      account. To set up an account, we   allow 1 week for processing. Customers   • Ship Dates and Cancel Dates must   days of receipt.
      require an approved New Customer   in business for less than one year   be noted on all orders.  • Refused orders and merchandise
      Set-Up Form and a resale card. Our   must complete a 6 month waiting              returned due to customer error are
      New Customer Set-Up Form is   period after the first order prior to   COLLECTIONS  subject to a 20% restocking fee and all
      available on our website under the   consideration for net payment terms.   • Past due invoices are assessed a late   freight costs.
      Wholesale Terms section. Please   Any account inactive for more than   charge of 3% per month or 20% per year.  • Items must be returned in their
      print and submit by fax at 562-961-  12 months must submit new credit   •               Reorders  placed  by  past-due   original condition, with no price
      3305 or by email to customerservice@  references to obtain net 30 terms.  accounts cannot be shipped until all   stickers. Any item not returned in its  Allow  1-3  business   • Prices & availability subject to change   open invoices are paid in full.  original condition may be refused
      days for approval.         without notice.            • Past-due accounts will not receive   and/or subject to a 20% restocking fee.
                                                            authorizations for returns.  • Remember that products made from
      REORDERS                   SHIPPING & BACKORDERS      •  Returned checks,  stopped-payment   recycled materials and handmade
      • Once you are an approved retailer,   • Please allow  5-7 business days for   checks and unjustified credit card   finished products may vary in color and
      ordering or re-ordering online with   your order to ship. Non-standard    charge backs are subject to a  $50   texture. These are not considered flaws.
      us is safe and easy. Please email   orders and shipments during peak   service fee. Customer agrees to pay   • All sale merchandise is sold as final to receive   season (July – September) may    all collection costs, attorney fees and   sale and no returns or exchanges on
      login information to access the   require longer lead times.  court costs as well as interest at the   these items will be accepted.
      wholesale portion of our site. If  you   •  All  merchandise  is  shipped  FOB   rate of 1.5% per month on any past
      would like to fax us an order, please   Long Beach, CA via UPS Ground   due, unpaid balance.  CUSTOMER SERVICE
      fax 562-961-3305 or you can email it to   unless an alternate method is   • We do not accept COD (Collect on   • If you need further assistance, we   specified.                 Delivery) payments.         are here to help. Customer Service
                                 • Orders must observe designated                       can be contacted directly via email at
      PAYMENT                    case pack quantities. Oré reserves   RETURNS 
      • First orders must be prepaid. For   the right to adjust quantity ordered   •  Returns require prior authorization   We are also available by phone,
      your convenience, we accept Visa,   to meet our requirements or apply a   from Oré Originals.  Monday through Friday, 8:00 am
      MasterCard, Discover, or American   handling charge for each broken case   • To assist in processing your return   to 4:30 pm, PST. 800-367-2675 or
      Express (US Only) for all prepaid orders.  pack quantity.  in a timely manner, please fill out our     562-961-3300.

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