Page 35 - Primitives By Kathy Main Catalog
P. 35

BASICALLY A ZOO...                                                                                               FULL COLOR
                                                                       104480 Each
                                                                       List Pad - Basically A Zoo
                                                                       004-00195 / 024-00176
                                                                       2.75" x 9.50" x 0.25"
                                                                       Paper, Magnet
                                                                       60 pages and strong magnet,
                                                                       Made in the USA                                       LOL- MADE YOU SMILE
           104464 Each                                                v<1*!"$%=aeeiaA<u
             Dish Towel -
           Basically A Zoo
        006-00450 / 036-00405
                28" x 28"
         Machine-washable, All-over
               print design

                                                                                                           104471 Each
                                                                                                           Dish Towel - Quote Our Mothers
                                                                                                           006-00450 / 036-00405
                                                                                                           28" x 28"
                                                                                                           Machine-washable, All-over print design
                                             37002 Each                                                   v<1*!"$%=aeehbI<}
                                             Zipper Wallet - Beer Money
                                             004-00200 / 024-00180
                                             5.25" x 4.25"
                                             Post-Consumer Material, Metal

                37003 Each
        Zipper Wallet - Wine Money
             004-00200 / 024-00180
                  5.25" x 4.25"
         Post-Consumer Material, Metal
                                                                                                           34638 Each
                                                                                                           Box Sign - Advice From Unicorn
                                                                                                           002-00700 / 012-00630
                                                                                       37010 Each          6" x 6" x 1.75"
                                                                                       Daily Tote - Fantasy Land  Wood
                                                                                       004-00300 / 024-00270  }<8)$&!%=degdiC<w
                                                                                       8.75" x 10.25" x 4.75"
                                                                                       Post-Consumer Material, Nylon

                                             37004 Each
                                             Market Tote - Mostly Wine    37008 Each
                                             004-00475 / 024-00428        Daily Tote - Lookin' Sharp
         37011 Each                          15.50" x 15.25" x 6"         004-00300 / 024-00270
         Market Tote - Wonderful World       Post-Consumer Material, Nylon  8.75" x 10.25" x 4.75"
         004-00475 / 024-00428               Double-sided, Inside features pocket  Post-Consumer Material, Nylon
         15.50" x 15.25" x 6"               }<8)$&!%=dhaaeC<w             Double-sided
         Post-Consumer Material, Nylon                                   }<8)$&!%=dhaaiA<u
         Double-sided, Inside features pocket
        }<8)$&!%=dhabbA<u                                                           1.866.295.2849 // WWW.PRIMITIVESBYKATHY.COM  33
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