Page 92 - Primitives By Kathy Main Catalog
P. 92


           n 105151 Each               102567 Each                 102568 Each   Styles resemble classic
           Stitchery - Love You Mom    Stitchery - Wish            Stitchery - Be Kind  framed stitchery pieces
           002-01250 / 012-01125       002-01250 / 012-01125       002-01250 / 012-01125  for an updated look.
           7" x 9" x 0.75"             7" x 9" x 0.75"             7" x 9" x 0.75"
           Cotton, Linen, Wood         Cotton, Linen, Wood         Cotton, Linen, Wood
           Includes hanger and peg for standing  Includes hanger and peg for standing  Includes hanger and peg for standing  n 105150 Each
          v<1*!"$%=afbfbI<}  h        v<1*!"$%=acfghA<u  h        v<1*!"$%=acfgiH<|  ht                  Stitchery - Sweet Home
                                                                                                         002-01450 / 012-01305
                                                                                                         8.50" x 11" x 0.75"
                                                                                                         Cotton, Linen, Wood
                                                                                                         Includes hanger and peg for standing
                                                                                                        v<1*!"$%=afbfaB<v  h

      n 105401 Each                         n 105402 Each
      Spiral Notebook - Wish                Spiral Notebook - Be Kind          n 105056 Each         8 FREE LIST NOTEPADS
      004-00500 / 024-00450                 004-00500 / 024-00450              Stationery Display - List Pads  WITH DISPLAY PURCHASE
      7" x 9" x 0.50"                       7" x 9" x 0.50"                    001-02000
      Paper, Metal                          Paper, Metal                       15.50" x 12" x 7"     $20.00
      120 lined pages, Double-sided         120 lined pages, Double-sided      Wood
     v<1*!"$%=afeabE<y                     v<1*!"$%=afeacB<v                   Holds assorted size stationery  8 FREE List Notepads to add to your display.
                                                                                                     We'll choose the selection for you!
                                                                              v<1*!"$%=afafgG<{      (Empty rack holds 75 List Notepads.)
      LIST NOTEPADS  004-00195  |  024-00176  |  2.75" x 9.50" x 0.25"  |  Paper, Magnet  |  60 pages and strong magnet, Made in the USA  Retail value of FREE List Notepads - $31.20

      39880 Each     39877 Each    100196 Each     100197 Each   100195 Each      39618 Each     39855 Each     39881 Each
      List Pad -     List Pad - Our   List Pad - Live   List Pad - Wish  List Pad - Bee You Tiful  List Pad - My   List Pad - Home  List Pad - Love
      Adventure      Nest          Simply         v<1*!"$%=aabjhB<v    v<1*!"$%=aabjfH<|    Sunshine  }<8)$&!%=djiffI<}    You Mom
     }<8)$&!%=djiiaA<u    }<8)$&!%=djihhA<u    v<1*!"$%=aabjgE<y                 }<8)$&!%=djgbiJ<~             }<8)$&!%=djiibH<|
     90    1.866.295.2849 // WWW.PRIMITIVESBYKATHY.COM
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97