Page 40 - Flipbook SMP An Najiyah - Seventh Grade
P. 40

A   c  t i v  i t y    4
                           Activity 4

                   Let's play
                   L  e  t ' s   p l a y

                         The instruction of reading passage:

                           1. The teacher will read the reading passage

                              or ask one student to read it

                           2. Before that the teacher has to explain about

                              the  rules,  if  the  word  “Have”  appears  the

                              students have to hold their nose BUT if the

                              word  “Has”  appears  the  students  have  to

                              hold their head.

            Are You Ready?
            A      r    e       Y    o     u       R     e     a     d     y     ?

                                                                     English for Seventh Grade Class
   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45