Page 16 - Carlton Packaging Corporate Overview
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Sustainable Forest EcoVadis ©Carlton Packaging
Stewardship Council
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an independent, Carlton Packaging has been a trusted partner of EcoVadis for
not for profit, non government organisation established to over 3 years and currently rated in the top 5% of packaging
support environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and companies for our sustainability commitments.
economically viable management of the world’s forests.
Sedex ISO 14401
Carlton has partner with Sedex who believe every person Carlton Packaging are accredited with ISO 14001: 2015. This
working in the supply chain should have equality, a safe standard is the most important standard within the ISO
place to work, and the means to support themselves and 14000 series. ISO 14001 specifies the requirements of an
their families, free of bribery and corruption, using sustain- environmental management system (EMS). An EMS is a
able methods that keep the environment intact for future systemic approach to handling environmental issues within
generations. an organisation.
ISO 9001 Carbon Neutral Britain
Carlton Packaging are accredited with ISO 9001: 2015. Carlton Packaging has been working closely with Carbon
This looks at ‘Quality’ with an aim to improve operational Neutral Britain to measure and offset our carbon footprint
efficiency and customer satisfaction.The standards are to become Certified as a Carbon Neutral Business. Carlton
designed to ensure that companies meet the needs of their Packaging has been working closely with Carbon Neutral
customers and stakeholders whilst meeting statutory and Britain to measure and offset our carbon footprint to
regulatory requirements. become Certified as a Carbon Neutral Business.