Page 24 - Carlton Packaging Corporate Overview
P. 24
Smarter processes Pack Climate ©Carlton Packaging
optimisation controller testing
Sustainable Optimising your pack operation will increase Our in-house temperature-controlled climate
testing system is used to ensure our packaging
process speeds, reduce packaging waste and
increase internal productivity allowing you to run protects temperature critical products such as
processes. your operation smarter. chilled food and medical products.
Site audit
Our team of experts will visit your sites and review Automation is not a one size fits all for every
the existing processes, including the products that operation, but for some it revolutionises the way
are being used, to discover if there could be some that they run their packaging processes.
advancements made to benefit your operation.
Implementation Pack testing
plan & prototype
As part of a strategic smarter implementation Testing is a vital step for success which is why it is
plan we will work to plan outlines requisite steps a process that we highly recommend our clients
for execution of a detailed strategy and changes to include when looking to change a current
that need to me made for the business. packaging product or introduce a new one.
Pack training
We believe in training; both within our organisation We develop tailored training packages to suit your
and for our clients. Run your operation at business needs. We understand the importance of
maximum efficiency by having your packers our clients’ packing teams being well trained.
complete training specialised to your pack set up.