Page 4 - health promotion
P. 4
Health is considered as an everyday life resource but to attain the full capacity and
attribution of health we need to consider the process of health promotion. This is a
process on how people improve and increase control over their health. It involves the
prevention of aspects such as diseases, poverty and pollution to improve individuals
and communities health. Not only does health promotion focuses on health problems
and the life conditions but also uses that to come up with solutions, how to address
these problems.
Health in not only about a persons body health thus why health promotion also
dwells in the other conditions such as social, economic, environmental and
behavioural conditions. These conditions are the core roots to building and improving
our health thus digging up these roots can bring solutions and improvements within
ourselves and the community. The medical sector alone is not capable of building a
good and strong framework that can withstand forces that destroy a good health.
This results to the building of relationships between neighbours, communities and
municipalities, companies, schools or civilians