Page 12 - Club Med Resort Brochure 2024/5
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A pioneer with a

           responsible vision

           For more than 70 years, sustainability has been part of the Club Med DNA.
           Throughout our history, we’ve forged a strong belief: the moments
           of happiness we offer to our guests are to be shared; they cannot be
           experienced at the expense of others or of nature.

           You can be assured that when choosing Club Med, you are also choosing
           responsible and sustainable holidays, carefully crafted to nurture the
           environment and empower you to make a positive impact.

                                                                                                                                                                    Teaching little
                                                                                                                                                                    ones to love
                                                                                                                                                                    our earth

                                                                                                                                                                    Holidays are a time to relax
                                                                                                                                                                    but also to learn and grow.

                                                                                                                                                                    We believe in helping all
                                                                                                                                                                    guests, big and small, to
                                                                                                                                                                    better understand and
                                                                                                                                                                    appreciate the environment.

           Happy to care for our              Connecting you to the              Caring for our staff and
           environment                        heart of nature                    local communities
           Our resorts are built on exceptional   We provide many immersive and fun   Our multicultural staff are at the heart
           sites, and our duty is to preserve the   activities designed to connect with nature   of our brand and we’re committed to
           surrounding natural resources.     and give back to our beautiful surroundings.  creating local jobs and developing local
                                                                                 talents. We also partner with nearby                Platinum Green Globe
           We’re progressively eradicating single-use   We have a biodiversity expert in Club   organisations and schools to bring   The Green Globe certification   100% of our resorts in Asia
           plastic items from all our resorts worldwide   Med Cherating Beach and a Marine   happiness to local communities.         sets the highest standard for   Pacific have been awarded with
           as part of our Bye Bye Plastic program.  Biologist in Club Med Kani.                                                      responsible tourism. Reviewed   the Green Globe Certification for
                                                                                 On average, 90% of produce and                      biannually, resorts must    Sustainable Tourism. We aim to
           ◆   80% of resorts worldwide have   ◆   Turtle sanctuary in Club Med Bintan   materials in our resorts are purchased
             received the Green Globe Certification,   Island, Cherating Beach and Ixtapa.  from local suppliers.                    demonstrate high sustainability in   have all of our resorts worldwide
             including 100% of Asian resorts.                                                                                        areas such as staff, food, energy,   certified in the near future.
                                              ◆   Eco-activities with reef rebuilding                                                construction, biodiversity, and
           ◆   Continuous effort to reduce food   and underwater trail in Club Med Kani.  ◆   Partnered with over 400 ecological     local culture preservation.
             waste worldwide, using advanced   ◆   Educational nature walks in     farms to upskill staff to enable them to
             food technology Winnow.            Cherating Beach.                   properly supply fresh organic produce
                                                                                   to their community and our resorts.
           ◆   6,000sqm of solar panels providing
             energy in Finolhu Villas, Maldives.                                 ◆   75% of created jobs in our resorts are
                                                                                   filled by locals.
           ◆   Regular beach clean ups with resort
             team and guests.                                                    ◆   More than 100 nationalities working
                                                                                   together worldwide.

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