Page 12 - Small Business Taxes
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         Social  security  number  (SSN).  Generally,  use  your   these payments (the payee) a statement showing the total
         SSN as your TIN. You must put this number on each of   amount  paid  during  the  year.  You  must  include  the
         your individual income tax forms, such as Form 1040 and   payee's identification number and your identification num-
         its schedules.                                         ber on the returns and statements.
            To apply for an SSN, use Form SS-5, Application for a
         Social Security Card. This form is available at Social Se-  Employee.  If  you  have  employees,  you  must  get  an
         curity  Administration  (SSA)  offices  or  by  calling   SSN  from  each  of  them.  Record  the  name  and  SSN  of
                                                                each employee exactly as they are shown on the employ-
         800-772-1213. It is also available from the SSA website at                                    ee's  social  security  card.  If  the  employee's  name  is  not
                                                                correct  as  shown  on  the  card,  the  employee  should  re-
         Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN).  The   quest a new card from the SSA. This may occur if the em-
         IRS will issue an ITIN if you are a nonresident or resident   ployee's name was changed due to marriage or divorce.
         alien and you do not have and are not eligible to get an   Form  W-4,  Employee's  Withholding  Allowance  Certifi-
         SSN. The ITIN will expire for any taxpayer who does not   cate, is completed by each employee so the correct fed-
         file a federal income tax return (or who is not included as a   eral income tax can be withheld from their pay.
         dependent  on  the  return  of  another  taxpayer)  for  3  con-  If your employee does not have an SSN, they should
         secutive years. In general, if you need to obtain an ITIN,   file Form SS-5 with the SSA.
         you must attach Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual   Other payee.  If you make payments to someone who
         Taxpayer Identification Number, with your signed, original,   is not your employee and you must report the payments
         completed tax return and any other required documenta-  on  an  information  return,  get  that  person's  SSN.  If  you
         tion  and  mail  them  to  the  address  in  the  Instructions  for   must report payments to an organization, such as a corpo-
         Form  W-7.  Exceptions  are  covered  in  the  instructions.  If   ration or partnership, you must get its EIN.
         you  must  include  another  person's  SSN  on  your  return   To  get  the  payee's  SSN  or  EIN,  use  Form  W-9,  Re-
         and that person does not have and cannot get an SSN,   quest  for  Taxpayer  Identification  Number  and  Certifica-
         enter that person's ITIN. The application is also available   tion.
         in Spanish. The form is available at     A payee who does not provide you with an identifica-
                 An ITIN is for tax use only. It does not entitle the   tion number may be subject to backup withholding. For in-
            !    holder  to  social  security  benefits  or  change  the   formation on backup withholding, see the Instructions for
          CAUTION  holder's employment or immigration status.   the Requester of Form W-9 and the General Instructions
                                                                for Certain Information Returns.
         Employer identification number (EIN).  You must also
         have an EIN to use as a TIN if you do either of the follow-  Income Tax
           • Pay wages to one or more employees.                This part explains whether you have to file an income tax
           • File pension or excise tax returns.                return and when you file it. It also explains how you pay
                                                                the tax.
            If you must have an EIN, include it along with your SSN
         on your Schedule C as instructed.                      Do I Have To File an Income Tax
            You can apply for an EIN:
           • Online by clicking on the Employer ID Numbers (EINs)   Return?
             link at as long as the principal business   You have to file an income tax return for 2022 if your net
             location is in the United States or U.S. territories—the   earnings from self-employment were $400 or more. If your
             EIN is issued immediately once the application infor-  net earnings from self-employment were less than $400,
             mation is validated;                               you still have to file an income tax return if you meet any
           • By telephone at 267-941-1099 (not a toll-free number)   other filing requirement listed in the Instructions for Form
             only if the principal business is located outside the   1040.
             United States or U.S. territories; or
           • By mailing or faxing Form SS-4, Application for Em-  How Do I File?
             ployer Identification Number.                      File  your  income  tax  return  on  Form  1040  or  Form
            New EIN.  You may need to get a new EIN if either the   1040-SR and attach Schedule C. Enter the net profit or
         form  or  the  ownership  of  your  business  changes.  For   loss  from  Schedule  C  on  Schedule  1  (Form  1040).  Use
         more  information,  see  Pub.  1635,  Understanding  Your   Schedule C to figure your net profit or loss from your busi-
         EIN.                                                   ness. If you operated more than one business as a sole
         When you need identification numbers of other per-     proprietorship, you must attach a separate Schedule C for
                                                                each business.
         sons.  In operating your business, you will probably make
         certain payments you must report on information returns.
         These  payments  are  discussed  under  Information  Re-
         turns, later in this chapter. You must give the recipient of

         Page 6    Chapter 1   Filing and Paying Business Taxes
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