Page 204 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
P. 204

13:32 - 25-Jan-2023
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         part or all of the expenses of modifying                                 The estimated burden for individual tax-
         an existing commercial building to make   Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.  We   payers filing this form is included in the
         it energy efficient. For details, see Form   ask  for  the  information  on  Schedule  C   estimates  shown  in  the  instructions  for
         7205 and its instructions.           (Form  1040)  to  carry  out  the  Internal   their  individual  income  tax  return.  The
                                              Revenue laws of the United States. You
         Film and television and live theatrical   are required to give us the information.   estimated burden for all other taxpayers
         production expenses.  You can elect to   We need it to ensure that you are com-  who  file  this  form  is  approved  under
         deduct costs of certain qualified film and   plying with these laws and to allow us to   OMB control number 1545-1974 and is
         television  productions  or  qualified  live   figure  and  collect  the  right  amount  of   shown next.
         theatrical  productions.  For  details,  see   tax.
         chapter 7 of Pub. 535.                                                    Recordkeeping  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  3 hr., 36 min.
                                                You  are  not  required  to  provide  the   Learning about the law or the
         Forestation  and  reforestation  costs.   information requested on a form that is   form  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1 hr., 19 min.
         Reforestation costs are generally capital   subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act   Preparing the form  .  .  .  .  .  .  1 hr., 39 min.
         expenditures.  However,  for  each  quali-  unless  the  form  displays  a  valid  OMB   Copying, assembling, and sending
         fied timber property, you can elect to ex-  control number. Books or records relat-  the form to the IRS  .  .  .  .  .  .  34 min.
         pense up to $10,000 ($5,000 if married   ing to a form or its instructions must be
         filing separately) of qualifying reforesta-  retained  as  long  as  their  contents  may
                                                                                     If you have comments concerning the
         tion costs paid or incurred in 2022.  become material in the administration of   accuracy of these time estimates or sug-
            You can elect to amortize the remain-  any  Internal  Revenue  law.  Generally,   gestions  for  making  this  form  simpler,
         ing costs over 84 months. For amortiza-  tax  returns  and  return  information  are   we  would  be  happy  to  hear  from  you.
         tion that begins in 2022, you must com-  confidential,  as  required  by  section   See  the  instructions  for  the  tax  return
         plete and attach Form 4562.          6103.                               with which this form is filed.
            The  amortization  election  does  not   The time needed to complete and file
         apply to trusts. For details on reforesta-  Schedule  C  (Form  1040)  will  vary  de-
         tion  expenses,  see  chapters  7  and  8  of   pending  on  individual  circumstances.
         Pub. 535.

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