Page 233 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
P. 233

22:40 - 25-Jul-2022
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         the  total  gain  for  the  sale.  This  is  the   Step 3.  Generally, the entire amount   tured section 1250 gain for the sale re-
         smaller  of  line  22  or  line  24  of  your   of gain from the sale of trade or business   duced by all gain reported in prior years
         2022  Form  4797  (or  the  comparable   property  included  in  each  installment   (excluding  section  1250  ordinary  in-
         lines of Form 4797 for the year of sale)   payment is treated as unrecaptured sec-  come recapture). However, if you chose
         for the property.                    tion  1250  gain  until  the  total  unrecap-  not to treat all of the gain from payments
                                              tured section 1250 gain figured in Step 2   received after May 6, 1997, and before
            Step 2.  Reduce the amount figured in
         Step 1 by any section 1250 ordinary in-  has been used in full. Figure the amount   August  24,  1999,  as  unrecaptured  sec-
                                              of  gain  treated  as  unrecaptured  section
                                                                                  tion 1250 gain, use only the amount you
         come recapture for the sale. This is the   1250  gain  for  installment  payments  re-  chose  to  treat  as  unrecaptured  section
         amount  from  line  26g  of  your  2022   ceived in 2022 as the smaller of (a) the   1250 gain for those payments to reduce
         Form  4797  (or  the  comparable  line  of   amount from line 26 or line 37 of your   the total unrecaptured section 1250 gain
         Form 4797 for the year of sale) for the   2022 Form 6252, whichever applies; or   remaining to be reported for the sale. In-
         property. The result is your total unrec-  (b)  the  amount  of  unrecaptured  section   clude this amount on line 4.
         aptured  section  1250  gain  that  must  be   1250 gain remaining to be reported. This
         allocated to the installment payments re-  amount  is  generally  the  total  unrecap-
         ceived from the sale.

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