Page 341 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
P. 341

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            • Diagnostic  tests,  such  as  a   include  for  qualified  long-term  care  in-  Line 1  10:55 - 3-Jan-2023
         full-body scan, pregnancy test, or blood   surance  contracts  (as  defined  in  Pub.
         sugar test kit.                      502)  depends  on  the  age,  at  the  end  of   Medical and Dental
            • Nursing help (including your share   2022, of the person for whom the premi-
         of  the  employment  taxes  paid).  If  you   ums were paid. See the following chart   Expenses
         paid  someone  to  do  both  nursing  and   for details.                 Enter the total of your medical and den-
         housework, you can deduct only the cost                                  tal expenses, after you reduce these ex-
         of the nursing help.                  IF the person was,   THEN the most   penses  by  any  payments  received  from
            • Hospital care (including meals and   at the end of 2022,   you can include   insurance  or  other  sources.  See  Reim-
         lodging), clinic costs, and lab fees.  age . . .       is . . .          bursements, later.
            • Qualified  long-term  care  services
         (see Pub. 502).                       40 or under           $ 450           If advance payments of the premium
            • The supplemental part of Medicare   41–50              $ 850        tax credit were made, or you think you
         insurance (Medicare Part B).          51–60               $ 1,690        may be eligible to claim a premium tax
            • The  premiums  you  pay  for  Medi-  61–70           $ 4,510        credit, fill out Form 8962 before filling
         care Part D insurance.                                                   out Schedule A, line 1. See Pub. 502 for
            • A program to stop smoking and for   71 or older      $ 5,640        how  to  figure  your  medical  and  dental
         prescription medicines to alleviate nico-                                expenses deduction.
         tine withdrawal.                                                                Don't  forget  to  include  insur-
            • A  weight-loss  program  as  treat-  Examples of Medical and         TIP   ance  premiums  you  paid  for
         ment  for  a  specific  disease  (including   Dental Payments You Can't         medical and dental care. How-
         obesity) diagnosed by a doctor.      Include                             ever,  if  you  claimed  the  self-employed
            • Medical  treatment  at  a  center  for                              health insurance deduction on Schedule
         drug or alcohol addiction.             • The cost of diet food.          1 (Form 1040), line 17, reduce the pre-
            • Medical  aids  such  as  eyeglasses,   • Cosmetic  surgery  unless  it  was   miums by the amount on line 17.
         contact  lenses,  hearing  aids,  braces,   necessary to improve a deformity related
         crutches,  wheelchairs,  and  guide  dogs,   to  a  congenital  abnormality,  an  injury   Whose  medical  and  dental  expenses
         including the cost of maintaining them.  from an accident or trauma, or a disfig-  can  you  include?  You  can  include
            • Surgery  to  improve  defective  vi-  uring disease.                medical  and  dental  bills  you  paid  in
         sion, such as laser eye surgery or radial   • Life  insurance  or  income  protec-  2022 for anyone who was one of the fol-
         keratotomy.                          tion policies.                      lowing  either  when  the  services  were
            • Lodging  expenses  (but  not  meals)   • The  Medicare  tax  on  your  wages   provided or when you paid for them.
         while away from home to receive medi-  and tips or the Medicare tax paid as part   • Yourself and your spouse.
         cal  care  provided  by  a  physician  in  a   of the self-employment tax or household   • All dependents you claim on your
         hospital or a medical care facility related   employment taxes.          return.
         to a hospital, provided there was no sig-   If you were age 65 or older but   • Your child whom you don't claim
         nificant  element  of  personal  pleasure,   TIP  not  entitled  to  social  security   as a dependent because of the rules for
         recreation,  or  vacation  in  the  travel.   benefits,  you  can  include  pre-  children  of  divorced  or  separated  pa-
         Don't deduct more than $50 a night for   miums  you  voluntarily  paid  for  Medi-  rents. See Child of divorced or separa-
         each person who meets the requirements   care Part A coverage.           ted parents in Pub. 502 for more infor-
         in Pub. 502 under Lodging.             • Nursing  care  for  a  healthy  baby.   mation.
            • Ambulance service and other trav-  But you may be able to take a credit for   • Any person you could have claim-
         el costs to get medical care. If you used   the  amount  you  paid.  See  the  Instruc-  ed as a dependent on your return except
         your own car, you can include what you   tions for Form 2441.            that person received $4,400 or more of
         spent for gas and oil to go to and from   • Illegal operations or drugs.  gross income or filed a joint return.
         the place you received the care; or you   • Imported  drugs  not  approved  by   • Any person you could have claim-
         can include 18 cents a mile for January 1   the U.S. Food and Drug Administration   ed  as  a  dependent  except  that  you,  or
         through  June  30,  and  22  cents  a  mile   (FDA). This includes foreign-made ver-  your  spouse  if  filing  jointly,  can  be
         from July 1 through December 31. Add   sions  of  U.S.-approved  drugs  manufac-  claimed  as  a  dependent  on  someone
         parking  and  tolls  to  the  amount  you   tured without FDA approval.  else's 2022 return.
         claim under either method.             • Nonprescription  medicines,  other   Example.  You provided over half of
            • Cost of breast pumps and supplies   than insulin (including nicotine gum and   your  parent's  support  but  can't  claim
         that assist lactation.               certain nicotine patches).          your parent as a dependent because they
            • Personal  protective  equipment   • Travel your doctor told you to take   received wages of $4,400 in 2022. You
         (such as masks, hand sanitizer and sani-  for rest or a change.          can  include  on  line  1  any  medical  and
         tizing wipes), for the primary purpose of   • Funeral, burial, or cremation costs.  dental  expenses  you  paid  in  2022  for
         preventing the spread of Coronavirus.                                    your parent.
         Limit  on  long-term  care  premiums                                     Insurance premiums for certain non-
         you  can  include.  The  amount  you  can                                dependents.  You  may  have  a  medical

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