Page 348 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
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            Shared  interest  reported  on  your     If  you  don't  show  the  required   property  held  for  investment.  It  doesn't
         Form  1098.  If  the  shared  interest  was   !  information about the recipient   include any interest allocable to passive
         reported on the Form 1098 you received,   CAUTION  or  let  the  recipient  know  your   activities  or  to  securities  that  generate
         deduct only your share of the interest on   SSN, you may have to pay a $50 penalty.  tax-exempt income.
         line 8a. Let each of the other borrowers                                    Complete  and  attach  Form  4952  to
         know what their share is.            Interest  reported  on  someone  else’s   figure your deduction.
                                              Form 1098.   If you and at least one oth-
            Shared interest reported on someone   er person (other than your spouse if fil-  Exception.  You don't have to file Form
         else's Form 1098.   If the shared interest   ing jointly) were liable for and paid in-  4952 if all three of the following apply.
         was reported on the other person's Form   terest  on  the  mortgage,  and  the  home   1. Your investment interest expense
         1098, report your share of the interest on   mortgage  interest  paid  was  reported  on   is  less  than  your  investment  income
         line 8b (as explained in Line 8b, later).  the  other  person’s  Form  1098,  identify   from interest and ordinary dividends mi-
         Form  1098  doesn’t  show  all  interest   the  name  and  address  of  the  person  or   nus any qualified dividends.
         paid.  If you paid more interest to the re-  persons  who  received  a  Form  1098  re-  2. You have no other deductible in-
         cipient than is shown on Form 1098, in-  porting the interest you paid. If you are   vestment expenses.
         clude  the  larger  deductible  amount  on   filing a paper return, identify the person
         line 8a and explain the difference. If you   by  attaching  a  statement  to  your  paper   3. You  have  no  disallowed  invest-
         are filing a paper return, explain the dif-  return and printing “See attached” to the   ment interest expense from 2021.
         ference by attaching a statement to your   right of line 8b.                    Alaska  Permanent  Fund  divi-
         paper return and printing “See attached”                                    !   dends, including those reported
         to the right of line 8a.             Line 8c                             CAUTION  on  Form  8814,  aren't  invest-

                 If  you  are  claiming  the  mort-  Points Not Reported on       ment income.
            !    gage interest credit (for holders                                   For more details, see Pub. 550.
          CAUTION  of  qualified  mortgage  credit   Form 1098
         certificates issued by state or local gov-  Points  are  shown  on  your  settlement
         ernmental  units  or  agencies),  subtract   statement. Points you paid only to bor-  Gifts to Charity
         the amount shown on Form 8396, line 3,   row  money  are  generally  deductible
         from  the  total  deductible  interest  you   over the life of the loan. See Pub. 936 to   You  can  deduct  contributions  or  gifts
         paid on your home mortgage. Enter the   figure  the  amount  you  can  deduct.   you  gave  to  organizations  that  are  reli-
         result on line 8a.                   Points  paid  for  other  purposes,  such  as   gious, charitable, educational, scientific,
                                              for a lender's services, aren't deductible.  or literary in purpose. You can also de-
         Line 8b                              Refinancing.  Generally,  you  must  de-  duct what you gave to organizations that
                                              duct points you paid to refinance a mort-  work  to  prevent  cruelty  to  children  or
         If you paid home mortgage interest to a
         recipient who didn’t provide you a Form   gage  over  the  life  of  the  loan.  This  is   animals.  Certain  whaling  captains  may
         1098,  report  your  deductible  mortgage   true even if the new mortgage is secured   be able to deduct expenses paid in 2022
         interest  on  line  8b.  Your  deductible   by your main home.           for Native Alaskan subsistence bowhead
         mortgage interest may be less than what   If  you  used  part  of  the  proceeds  to   whale  hunting  activities.  See  Pub.  526
         you paid if one or more of the limits on   improve  your  main  home,  you  may  be   for details.
         home  mortgage  interest  apply  to  you.   able to deduct the part of the points rela-  To verify an organization's charitable
         For more information about these limits,   ted to the improvement in the year paid.   status, you can:
         see  Limits  on  home  mortgage  interest,   See Pub. 936 for details.      • Check  with  the  organization  to
         earlier.                                    If you paid off a mortgage ear-  which  you  made  the  donation.  The  or-
         Seller  financed  mortgage.  If  you  paid   TIP  ly, deduct any remaining points   ganization should be able to provide you
         home  mortgage  interest  to  the  person   in  the  year  you  paid  off  the   with verification of its charitable status.
         from  whom  you  bought  the  home  and   mortgage.  However,  if  you  refinanced   • Use  our  online  search  tool  at
         that  person  didn’t  provide  you  a  Form   your mortgage with the same lender, see to see if an organization
         1098, write that person's name, identify-  Mortgage  ending  early  in  Pub.  936  for   is eligible to receive tax-deductible con-
         ing  number,  and  address  on  the  dotted   an exception.              tributions (Publication 78 data).
         lines next to line 8b. If the recipient of                               Examples of Qualified
         your  home  mortgage  payment(s)  is  an   Line 8d                       Charitable Organizations
         individual,  the  identifying  number  is
         their social security number (SSN). Oth-  Reserved for future use        The following list gives some examples
         erwise, it is the employer identification                                of qualified organizations. See Pub. 526
         number (EIN). You must also let the re-  Line 9                          for more examples.
         cipient know your SSN.                                                      • Churches,  mosques,  synagogues,
                                              Investment Interest                 temples,  and  other  religious  organiza-
                                              Investment  interest  is  interest  paid  on
                                              money you borrowed that is allocable to   • Scouts BSA, Boys and Girls Clubs
                                                                                  of America, CARE, Girl Scouts, Good-

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