Page 35 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
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            Fully  taxable  pensions  and  annuities   only  for  amounts  that  would  otherwise   monthly retirement benefit from income
         also  include  military  retirement  pay   be included in your income.   (the difference between the early retire-
         shown on Form 1099-R. For details on   An eligible retirement plan is a gov-  ment  benefit  and  the  normal  retirement
         military  disability  pensions,  see  Pub.   ernmental plan that is a qualified trust or   benefit, $3,000 - $2,500) received on ac-
         525.   If   you   received   a   Form   a section 403(a), 403(b), or 457(b) plan.  count of disability. J must report the re-
         RRB-1099-R,  see  Pub.  575  to  find  out   If you make this election, reduce the   maining $2,500 of monthly pension ben-
         how to report your benefits.                                             efit  as  taxable.  For  each  month  after  J
                                              otherwise  taxable  amount  of  your  pen-  turns  age  62,  J  must  report  the  full
         Partially Taxable Pensions and       sion or annuity by the amount excluded.   amount  of  the  monthly  pension  benefit
                                              The  amount  shown  in  box  2a  of  Form
         Annuities                            1099-R doesn't reflect the exclusion. Re-  ($3,000 a month) as taxable.
         Enter  the  total  pension  or  annuity  pay-  port  your  total  distributions  on  line  5a   Simplified Method
         ments  (from  Form  1099-R,  box  1)  on   and the taxable amount on line 5b. Enter
         line  5a.  If  your  Form  1099-R  doesn't   “PSO” next to line 5b.      You must use the Simplified Method if
         show the taxable amount, you must use   If you are retired on disability and re-  either of the following applies.
         the General Rule explained in Pub. 939   porting  your  disability  pension  on   1. Your annuity starting date was af-
         to  figure  the  taxable  part  to  enter  on   line 1h, include only the taxable amount   ter July 1, 1986, and you used this meth-
         line 5b. But if your annuity starting date   on  that  line  and  enter  “PSO”  and  the   od last year to figure the taxable part.
         (defined  later)  was  after  July  1,  1986,   amount excluded on the dotted line next   2. Your annuity starting date was af-
         see Simplified Method, later, to find out   to line 1h.                  ter November 18, 1996, and both of the
         if you must use that method to figure the   Payments  when  you  are  disabled.  If   following apply.
         taxable part.
                                              you receive payments from a retirement   a. The  payments  are  from  a  quali-
            You can ask the IRS to figure the tax-  or profit-sharing plan that does not pro-  fied employee plan, a qualified employ-
         able  part  for  you  for  a  $1,000  fee.  For   vide  for  disability  retirement,  do  not   ee annuity, or a tax-sheltered annuity.
         details, see Pub. 939.               treat  those  payments  as  disability  pay-  b. On your annuity starting date, ei-
            If your Form 1099-R shows a taxable   ments.  The  payments  must  be  reported   ther you were under age 75 or the num-
         amount, you can report that amount on   as a pension or annuity.         ber of years of guaranteed payments was
         line 5b. But you may be able to report a   You must include in your income any   fewer than 5. See Pub. 575 for the defi-
         lower taxable amount by using the Gen-  amounts  that  you  received  that  you   nition of guaranteed payments.
         eral Rule or the Simplified Method or if   would  have  received  in  retirement  had
         the exclusion for retired public safety of-  you not become disabled as a result of a   If you must use the Simplified Meth-
         ficers, discussed next, applies.     terrorist  attack.  Include  in  your  income   od,  complete  the  Simplified  Method
                                              any  payments  you  receive  from  a   Worksheet in these instructions to figure
         Insurance Premiums for Retired       401(k), pension, or other retirement plan   the taxable part of your pension or annu-
         Public Safety Officers               to  the  extent  that  you  would  have  re-  ity.  For  more  details  on  the  Simplified
         If you are an eligible retired public safe-  ceived  the  amount  at  the  same  or  later   Method,  see  Pub.  575  (or  Pub.  721  for
                                                                                  U.S. Civil Service retirement benefits).
         ty officer (law enforcement officer, fire-  time regardless of whether you had be-
         fighter, chaplain, or member of a rescue   come disabled.                       If you received U.S. Civil Serv-
         squad or ambulance crew), you can elect   Example.  Taxpayer  J,  a  contractor,   !  ice retirement benefits and you
         to  exclude  from  income  distributions   was disabled as a direct result of partici-  CAUTION  chose  the  alternative  annuity
         made from your eligible retirement plan   pating  in  efforts  to  clean  up  the  World   option, see Pub. 721 to figure the taxa-
         that  are  used  to  pay  the  premiums  for   Trade Center. J is eligible for compensa-  ble part of your annuity. Do not use the
         coverage  by  an  accident  or  health  plan   tion by the September 11 Victim Com-  Simplified  Method  Worksheet  in  these
         or  a  long-term  care  insurance  contract.   pensation Fund. J began receiving a dis-  instructions.
         You can do this only if you retired be-  ability  pension  at  age  55  when  J  could
         cause  of  disability  or  because  you   no  longer  continue  working  because  of   Annuity Starting Date
         reached normal retirement age. The pre-  J’s disability. Under J’s pension plan, at
         miums can be for coverage for you, your   age  55,  J  is  entitled  to  an  early  retire-  Your annuity starting date is the later of
         spouse,  or  dependents.  The  distribution   ment benefit of $2,500. If J waits until   the first day of the first period for which
         must be from a plan maintained by the   age 62, normal retirement age under the   you received a payment or the date the
         employer  from  which  you  retired  as  a   plan, J would be entitled to a normal re-  plan's obligations became fixed.
         public safety officer. Also, the distribu-  tirement benefit of $3,000 a month. The
         tion must be made directly from the plan   pension plan provides that a participant   Age (or Combined Ages) at
         to the provider of the accident or health   who retires early on account of disability   Annuity Starting Date
         plan  or  long-term  care  insurance  con-  is  entitled  to  receive  the  participant's   If  you  are  the  retiree,  use  your  age  on
         tract. You can exclude from income the   normal  retirement  benefit,  which  in  J's   the annuity starting date. If you are the
         smaller of the amount of the premiums   case  equals  $3,000  per  month.  Until  J   survivor of a retiree, use the retiree's age
         or  $3,000.  You  can  make  this  election   turns age 62, J can exclude $500 of the   on their annuity starting date. But if your

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