Page 407 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
P. 407

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                           To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries.
         Index             See “Comments and Suggestions” in the “Introduction” for the ways you can reach us.

                                               2555 6                            Permanently and totally
         A                                     4029 7, 8                           disabled 11
         Adopted child 9                       4361 7, 8                         Publications (See Tax help)
         Adoption taxpayer identification      4797 2
            number (ATIN) 12                   8814 2                            Q
         Age test (See Qualifying child)       8862 20                           Qualifying child 2, 9
         Alimony 8                           Foster care payments 8                Age test 9
         Annuities 8                         Foster child 9, 15, 17                Home 11
         Armed forces 8, 11, 12, 18, 19      Fraud 20, 21                          Joint return test 9
         Assistance (See Tax help)           H                                     Permanently and totally disabled 11
         B                                   Head of household 4, 8, 12            Relationship test 9
                                                                                   Residency test 11
         Basic Allowance for Housing         Home:                                 United States 11
            (BAH) 8                            Homeless shelter 18
         Basic Allowance for Subsistence       Military 18                       R
            (BAS) 8                            United States 18                  Railroad retirement benefits 8
         Birth of child 11                   Homeless 11, 18                     Registered domestic partner 8
         C                                   I                                   Relationship test (See Qualifying
         California domestic partner 8       Income that is not earned income 8  Reminders 3
         Child:                              Individual taxpayer identification   Residency test (See Qualifying child)
            Adopted child 9                    number (ITIN) 5, 12
            Birth or death of 11             Inmate 8                            S
            Foster child 9, 15, 17           Interest 8                          Salaries, wages, and tips 7, 18
            Kidnapped child 11               Investment income 6                 Schedules:
            Married child 12                                                       C 19
         Child support 8                     J                                     C-EZ 19
         Clergy 18                           Joint return test (See Qualifying     EIC 9, 12, 18-20
         Combat zone pay 19                    child)                              SE 18-20
         Community property 4, 8                                                 School 11
         Conservation Reserve Program        K                                   Self-employed persons 7, 18, 19
            payments 8                       Kidnapped child 11                  Self-employment income 18

         D                                   M                                   Self-employment tax 20
                                                                                 Separated parents, special rule 12
         Death of child 11                   Married child 12                    Social security benefits 8
         Detailed examples 21                Married filing a joint return 5     Social security number (SSN) 4, 5,
         Disability benefits 8               Military:                             12, 21
         Disabled 11                           Combat pay 8                      Statutory employee 7, 18-20
         Disallowance of the EIC 20            Nontaxable pay 8                  Strike benefits 7
         Dividend income 8                     Outside U.S. 11                   Student 11
         Divorced parents, special rule 14   Minister 7, 18
         Domestic partner 8                                                      T
         E                                   N                                   Tax help 22
                                                                                 Taxpayer identification number:
                                             Net earnings, self-employment 7
         Earned income 7                     Nevada domestic partner 8             Adoption identification number
         EITC Assistant 3                    Nonresident alien 5, 22                 (ATIN) 12
         Examples, detailed 21                                                     Individual taxpayer identification
                                                                                     number (ITIN) 5
         Extended active duty 11, 18         O                                     Social security number (SSN) 5
         F                                   Online help:                        Tiebreaker rules 13
                                               EITC Assistant 3
         Figuring EIC yourself 18, 19                                            Tips, wages, and salaries 7, 18
         Filing status:                      P                                   U
            Head of household 5              Parents, divorced or separated 12,
            Married filing separately 5        14                                Unemployment compensation 8
         Forms:                              Partner, domestic 8                 United States 11
            1040 2, 4-6                      Passive activity 6
            1040X 5                          Pensions 8

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