Page 424 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
P. 424

14:39 - 29-Dec-2022
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
          • Sign up to receive local and national tax news by email.  Only in very limited situations will you not have to file
            You can order forms, instructions, and publications at   Form W-2. This may occur if you were not required to For any other tax information, go to   withhold any income tax, social security tax, or Medicare                        tax and you paid the employee less than $600, such as for
                                                                certain election workers and certain foreign agricultural
                Do not print Copy A of Forms W-2, W-3, W-2c, or   workers. See Election workers and Foreign agricultural
            !   W-3c from and then file them with the   workers, later.
          CAUTION  SSA. The SSA accepts only e-filed reports and   Unless otherwise noted, references to Medicare tax
         the official red-ink versions (or approved substitute
         versions) of these forms. For more information about   include Additional Medicare Tax.
         acceptable substitute versions, see Substitute forms. For   If you are required to e-file Forms W-2 or want to take
         information about e-filing, see E-filing               advantage of the benefits of e-filing, see E-filing.

         Common Errors on Forms W-2                             Who must file Form W-3.  Anyone required to file Form
                                                                W-2 must file Form W-3 to transmit Copy A of Forms W-2.
         Forms W-2 provide information to your employees, the   Make a copy of Form W-3 and a copy of each Form W-2
         SSA, the IRS, and state and local governments. Avoid   Copy A (For SSA) to keep for your records for at least 4
         making the following errors, which cause processing    years. Be sure to use Form W-3 for the correct year. If you
         delays.                                                are filing Forms W-2 electronically, also see E-filing.
                                                                  Household employers.  Even employers with only one
         Do not:                                                household employee must file Form W-3 to transmit Copy
          • Download Copy A of Forms W-2, W-2AS, W-2GU,         A of Form W-2. On Form W-3, check the “Hshld. emp.”
         W-2VI, and W-3SS; or Form W-3 from and file    checkbox in box b. For more information, see Schedule H
         with the SSA.                                          (Form 1040), Household Employment Taxes, and its
          • Omit the decimal point and cents from entries.      separate instructions. You must have an employer
          • Make entries using ink that is too light. Use only black   identification number (EIN). See Box b—Employer
         ink.                                                   identification number (EIN).
          • Make entries that are too small or too large. Use   Who may sign Form W-3.  A transmitter or sender
         12-point Courier font, if possible.                    (including a service bureau, reporting agent, paying agent,
          • Add dollar signs to the money-amount boxes. They    or disbursing agent) may sign Form W-3 (or use its PIN to
         have been removed from Copy A and are not required.    e-file) for the employer or payer only if the sender satisfies
          • Inappropriately check the “Retirement plan” checkbox   both of the following.
         in box 13. See Retirement plan.                        • It is authorized to sign by an agency agreement
          • Misformat the employee's name in box e. Enter the   (whether oral, written, or implied) that is valid under state
         employee's first name and middle initial in the first box,   law; and
         their surname in the second box, and their suffix (such as   • It writes “For (name of payer)” next to the signature
         “Jr.”) in the third box (optional).                    (paper Form W-3 only).
          • Enter the incorrect employer identification number (EIN)
         or the employee’s SSN for the EIN.                            Use of a reporting agent or other third-party
          • Cut, fold, or staple Copy A paper forms mailed to SSA.  !  payroll service provider does not relieve an
          • Mail any other copy other than Copy A of Form W-2 to   CAUTION  employer of the responsibility to ensure that
         the SSA.                                               Forms W-2 are furnished to employees and that Forms
                                                                W-2 and W-3 are filed with the SSA, correctly and on time.
         General Instructions for Forms                         See Penalties for more information.
         W-2 and W-3                                            Be sure that the payer's name and EIN on Forms W-2 and

         Who must file Form W-2.  You must file Form(s) W-2 if   W-3 are the same as those used on the Form 941,
                                                                Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return; Form 943,
         you have one or more employees to whom you made        Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural
         payments (including noncash payments) for the          Employees; Form 944, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax
         employees’ services in your trade or business during   Return; Form CT-1, Employer's Annual Railroad
         2023.                                                  Retirement Tax Return; or Schedule H (Form 1040) filed
            Complete and file Form W-2 for each employee for    by or for the payer.
         whom any of the following applies (even if the employee is
         related to you).                                       When to file.  Mail or electronically file Copy A of Form(s)
          • You withheld any income, social security, or Medicare   W-2 and Form W-3 with the SSA by January 31, 2024.
         tax from wages regardless of the amount of wages; or   You may owe a penalty for each Form W-2 that you file
          • You would have had to withhold income tax if the    late. See Penalties. If you terminate your business, see
         employee had claimed no more than one withholding      Terminating a business.
         allowance (for 2019 or earlier Forms W-4) or had not     Extension of time to file Forms W-2 with the SSA.
         claimed exemption from withholding on Form W-4; or     You may request only one extension of time to file Form
          • You paid $600 or more in wages even if you did not   W-2 with the SSA by submitting a complete application on
         withhold any income, social security, or Medicare tax.  Form 8809, Application for Extension of Time To File
                                                                Information Returns. When completing the Form 8809,
                                                                indicate that at least one of the criteria on the form and

         General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 (2023)   -5-
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