Page 452 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
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         Index               Fileid: … iw-2-&-w-3/2023/a/xml/cycle04/source              14:39 - 29-Dec-2022

                                                Code W—Employer contributions to a health   Individual taxpayer identification number
         501(c) non-governmental organizations 23, 28  savings account (HSA) 20     (ITIN) 7, 15
                                                Code Y—Deferrals under a section 409A   Information reporting customer service site 4
                                                  nonqualified deferred compensation plan 20
         A                                      Code Z—Income under section 409A on a 4
         Additional Medicare Tax withheld 2, 10, 12, 17,   nonqualified deferred compensation plan 20  K
            19, 20                            Common errors 5
         Adoption benefits 7, 17, 20          Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana   Kind of Employer 23, 28
         Agent reporting 7                      Islands 6                         Kind of Payer 23, 28
         Agricultural employers 9, 23, 28     Control number 16, 23
         Allocated tips 18                    Corrections 2, 25, 26               L
         American Samoa 6                     Corrections and VOID Forms W-2 2, 15
         Archer MSA 8, 16, 17, 20             Cost of employer-sponsored health coverage 4,   Lost Form W-2—reissued statement 11
         B                                    D                                   M
         Bitcoin 13                                                               Medicaid waiver payments 2
         Box 14—Other 22                      Deceased employee's wages 8         Medicare tax withheld 2, 12, 17
         Business Services Online (BSO) 2-4, 25  Deferred compensation 24, 29     Medicare wages and tips 17
                                              Dependent care benefits 18, 24      Military differential pay 11
         C                                    Designated Roth contributions 8, 16, 21  Military employers 18, 23, 28
                                              Disability payments 2
                                                                                  Military Spouses Residency Relief Act
         Calendar year basis 15               Due date(s) 5                         (MSRRA) 3
         Clergy and religious workers 8                                           Moving expenses 11, 20
         Codes for box 12, Form W-2 18, 27, 30  E                                 Multiple Forms W-2 issued to employee 15
            Code A—Uncollected social security or RRTA tax
              on tips 19                      E-filing 3, 4, 25                   N
            Code AA—Designated Roth contributions under   Earned income credit (EIC) notice 3
              a section 401(k) plan 21        Educational assistance programs 9, 16  Nonqualified compensation plans 20
            Code B—Uncollected Medicare tax on tips 19  Election workers 9        Nonqualified deferred compensation plans 4, 11
            Code BB—Designated Roth contributions under   Elective deferrals 19, 20  Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Reporting
              a section 403(b) plan 21        Electronic employee statements 3      Example Chart 30, 31
            Code C—Taxable cost of group-term life   Employee business expense reimbursements 9,   Nonqualified plans 18, 24
              insurance over $50,000 19         16, 20                            Nonstatutory stock option(s) 20
            Code D—Elective deferrals under section 401(k)   Employee's name and address 16, 27  Nontaxable combat pay 20
              cash or deferred arrangement (plan) 19  Employee's taxes paid by employer 9, 16
            Code DD—Cost of employer-sponsored health   Employer identification number (EIN) 16, 23, 27,
              coverage 21                       29                                O
            Code E—Elective deferrals under a section   Employer's name and address 16, 23, 27, 28  Other EIN 24
              403(b) salary reduction agreement 19
            Code EE—Designated Roth contributions under   Employment tax information 4
              a governmental section 457(b) plan 21  Establishment number 23, 29  P
            Code F—Elective deferrals under a section   Extensions 5, 7
              408(k)(6) salary reduction SEP 20                                   Penalties 13
            Code FF—Permitted benefits under a qualified   F                        Civil damages for fraudulent filing of Forms
              small employer health reimbursement                                      W-2 15
              arrangement 21                  Federal employers in the CNMI 9, 22   Exceptions to the penalty 14, 15
            Code G—Elective deferrals and employer   Federal income tax withheld 17  Failure to file correct information returns by the
              contributions (including nonelective deferrals)   Foreign agricultural workers 10  due date 14
              to any governmental or nongovernmental   Form 941 or 941-SS 23, 28    Failure to furnish correct payee statements 14
              section 457(b) deferred compensation                                  Intentional disregard of filing requirements 14
              plan 20                         Form 944 3, 23, 28                    Intentional disregard of payee statement
            Code GG—Income from qualified equity grants   Form W-2 Copy 1 6            requirements 15
              under section 83(i) 21          Forms W-2 for U.S. territories 3      Small businesses 14
            Code H—Elective deferrals under section 501(c)  Fringe benefits 10, 16  Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act
              (18)(D) tax-exempt organization plan 20  Furnishing Forms W-2 to employees 6  Notice 29
            Code HH—Aggregate deferrals under section
              83(i) elections as of the close of the calendar
              year 22                         G                                   Q
            Code J—Nontaxable sick pay 20     General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 5  Qualified equity grants under section 83(i) 12
            Code K—20% excise tax on excess golden   General instructions for Forms W-2c and
              parachute payments 20             W-3c 25                           Qualified small employer health reimbursement
                                                                                    arrangement 21
            Code L—Substantiated employee business   Golden parachute payments 10, 20
              expense reimbursements 20       Government employers 10, 23, 28
            Code M—Uncollected social security or RRTA   Governmental section 457(b) plans 3  R
              tax on taxable cost of group-term life
              insurance over $50,000 (for former   Group-term life insurance 10, 17, 19  Railroad employers 12, 23, 28
              employees). 20                  Guam 6                              Reconciling Forms W-2, W-3, 941, 941-SS, 943,
            Code N—Uncollected Medicare tax on taxable                              944, CT-1, and Schedule H (Form 1040) 24
              cost of group-term life insurance over $50,000   H                  Reference Guide for Form W-2 Box 12 Codes 30
              (for former employees) 20                                           Rejected wage reports 2
            Code P—Excludable moving expense   Health flexible spending arrangement (FSA) 2,   Repayments, wages received in error 12
              reimbursements paid directly to a member of   10                    Retirement Plan Checkbox Decision Chart 30
              the U.S. Armed Forces 20        Health savings account (HSA) 11, 20  Retirement plans 22, 30
            Code Q—Nontaxable combat pay 20   Help 4
            Code R—Employer contributions to an Archer   Household employers 5, 9, 23, 28
              MSA 20                          How to complete a form 25           S
            Code S—Employee salary reduction   How to complete Form W-2 15        Scholarship and fellowship grants 13
              contributions under a section 408(p) SIMPLE
              plan 20                         How to complete Form W-3 23         Severance payments 4
            Code T—Adoption benefits 20       How to get forms and publications 4  Shipping and mailing Form W-2 6
            Code V—Income from the exercise of                                    Sick pay 13, 20, 29
              nonstatutory stock option(s) 20  I                                  Signing bonuses 17
                                              Income tax withheld 27              SIMPLE retirement account 13, 17, 20
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