Page 97 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         reported on Schedule 1, line 2a. If you   Form  W-2,  or  in  box  1  of  Form   you may have to pay a 50% additional
         were  a  member  of  the  U.S.  Armed   1099-NEC, don’t include that income on   tax on the amount that should have been
         Forces, earned income includes any non-  line  8  of  the  worksheet.  The  income   distributed.  For  details,  including  how
         taxable combat pay you received. If you   should be shown in (a) box 11 of your   to figure the minimum required distribu-
         were  self-employed,  earned  income  is   Form  W-2,  (b)  box  12  of  your  Form   tion, see Pub. 590-B.
         generally  your  net  earnings  from   W-2 with code Z, or (c) box 15 of Form
         self-employment  if  your  personal  serv-  1099-MISC. If it isn't, contact your em-  Were  You  Covered  by  a  Retirement
         ices  were  a  material  income-producing   ployer or the payer for the amount of the   Plan?
         factor. For more details, see Pub. 590-A.   income.                      If you were covered by a retirement plan
         A  statement  should  be  sent  to  you  by   6. You must file a joint return to de-  (qualified  pension,  profit-sharing  (in-
         May  31,  2023,  that  shows  all  contribu-  duct contributions to your spouse's IRA.   cluding 401(k)), annuity, SEP, SIMPLE,
         tions to your traditional IRA for 2022.  Enter  the  total  IRA  deduction  for  you   etc.)  at  work  or  through  self-employ-
            Use the IRA Deduction Worksheet to   and your spouse on line 20.      ment,  your  IRA  deduction  may  be  re-
                                                                                  duced  or  eliminated.  But  you  can  still
         figure  the  amount,  if  any,  of  your  IRA   7. Don’t  include  rollover  contribu-  make  contributions  to  an  IRA  even  if
         deduction.  But  read  the  following  list   tions in figuring your deduction. Instead,   you can't deduct them. In any case, the
         before you fill in the worksheet.    see  the  instructions  for  Form  1040  or   income  earned  on  your  IRA  contribu-
            1. You can't deduct contributions to   1040-SR, lines 4a and 4b.      tions isn't taxed until it is paid to you.
         a Roth IRA. But you may be able to take   8. Don't  include  trustees'  fees  that   The “Retirement plan” box in box 13
         the  retirement  savings  contributions   were  billed  separately  and  paid  by  you   of your Form W-2 should be checked if
         credit  (saver's  credit).  See  the  instruc-  for your IRA.            you  were  covered  by  a  plan  at  work
         tions for Schedule 3, line 4.          9. Don’t include any repayments of   even  if  you  weren’t  vested  in  the  plan.
            2. If you are filing a joint return and   qualified  reservist  distributions.  You   You  are  also  covered  by  a  plan  if  you
         you  or  your  spouse  made  contributions   can't  deduct  them.  For  information  on   were  self-employed  and  had  a  SEP,
         to both a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA   how  to  report  these  repayments,  see   SIMPLE, or qualified retirement plan.
         for  2022,  don’t  use  the  IRA  Deduction   Qualified  reservist  repayments  in  Pub.   If you were covered by a retirement
         Worksheet in these instructions. Instead,   590-A.                       plan and you file Form 2555 or 8815, or
         see Pub. 590-A to figure the amount, if                                  you  exclude  employer-provided  adop-
         any, of your IRA deduction.            10. If the total of your IRA deduction
                                              on line 20 plus any nondeductible con-  tion  benefits,  see  Pub.  590-A  to  figure
            3. You  can’t  deduct  elective  defer-  tribution to your traditional IRAs shown   the amount, if any, of your IRA deduc-
         rals  to  a  401(k)  plan,  403(b)  plan,  sec-  on Form 8606 is less than your total tra-  tion.
         tion 457 plan, SIMPLE plan, or the fed-  ditional IRA contributions for 2022, see
         eral Thrift Savings Plan. These amounts   Pub. 590-A for special rules.     Married persons filing separately.  If
         aren't  included  as  income  in  box  1  of                             you  weren’t  covered  by  a  retirement
         your Form W-2.                              You  must  receive  at  least  a   plan but your spouse was, you are con-
                                               TIP   minimum  amount  from  your   sidered  covered  by  a  plan  unless  you
            4. If you made contributions to your                                  lived  apart  from  your  spouse  for  all  of
                                                     traditional  IRA  for  each  year
         IRA in 2022 that you deducted for 2021,   starting with the year you reach age 72.   2022.
         don’t include them in the worksheet.  If you don't receive that minimum distri-
            5. If  you  received  income  from  a   bution  amount  in  the  year  you  become   You may be able to take the re-
         nonqualified  deferred  compensation   age  72,  you  must  receive  that  distribu-  TIP  tirement  savings  contributions
         plan  or  nongovernmental  section  457   tion by April 1 of the year following the   credit.  See  the  Schedule  3,
         plan  that  is  included  in  box  1  of  your   year  you  become  age  72.  If  you  don’t,   line 4, instructions.

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