Page 19 - Tax Guide for Small Business
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           Form (and Instructions)                              Sale of a business.  The sale of a business usually is not
               4797  4797 Sales of Business Property            a sale of one asset. Instead, all the assets of the business
                                                                are sold. Generally, when this occurs, each asset is trea-
               Sch D (Form 1040 or 1040-SR)  Sch D (Form 1040 or 1040-SR) Capital Gains and   ted as being sold separately for determining the treatment
                  Losses                                        of gain or loss.
                                                                  Both the buyer and seller involved in the sale of a busi-
         See chapter 12 for information about getting publications   ness  must  report  to  the  IRS  the  allocation  of  the  sales
         and forms.                                             price among the business assets. Use Form 8594, Asset
                                                                Acquisition Statement Under Section 1060, to provide this
         What Is a Disposition                                  information.  The  buyer  and  seller  should  each  attach
                                                                Form 8594 to their federal income tax return for the year in
         of Property?                                           which the sale occurred.
                                                                  For more information about the sale of a business, see
         A  disposition  of  property  includes  the  following  transac-  chapter 2 in Pub. 544.
           • You sell property for cash or other property.      How Do I Figure
           • You exchange property for other property.          a Gain or Loss?
           • You receive money as a tenant for the cancellation of
             a lease.                                           Table 3-1. How To Figure a Gain or Loss
           • You receive money for granting the exclusive use of a
             copyright throughout its life in a particular medium.  IF your...                THEN you have a...
           • You transfer property to satisfy a debt.            Adjusted basis is more than the amount   Loss.
           • You abandon property.                               Amount realized is more than the
           • Your bank or other financial institution forecloses on   adjusted basis          Gain.
             your mortgage or repossesses your property.
                                                                  Basis,  adjusted  basis,  amount  realized,  fair  market
           • Your property is damaged, destroyed, or stolen, and   value, and amount recognized are defined next. You need
             you receive property or money in payment.          to know these definitions to figure your gain or loss.
           • Your property is condemned, or disposed of under the
             threat of condemnation, and you receive property or   Basis.  The cost or purchase price of property is usually
             money in payment.                                  its basis for figuring the gain or loss from its sale or other
         For details about damaged, destroyed, or stolen property,   disposition. However, if you acquired the property by gift,
                                                                inheritance, or in some way other than buying it, you must
         see  Pub.  547.  For  details  about  other  dispositions,  see   use a basis other than its cost. For more information about
         chapter 1 in Pub. 544.                                 basis, see Pub. 551.

         Nontaxable exchanges.  Certain exchanges of property   Adjusted  basis.  The  adjusted  basis  of  property  is  your
         are not taxable. This means any gain from the exchange   original cost or other basis plus certain additions, and mi-
         is not recognized and you cannot deduct any loss. Your   nus certain deductions such as depreciation and casualty
         gain or loss will not be recognized until you sell or other-  losses. In determining gain or loss, the costs of transfer-
         wise dispose of the property you receive.              ring property to a new owner, such as selling expenses,

            Like-kind exchanges.  A like-kind exchange is the ex-  are added to the adjusted basis of the property.
         change  of  property  for  the  other,  like-kind  property.  It  is
         the most common type of nontaxable exchange. To be a   Amount realized.  The amount you realize from a dispo-
         like-kind exchange, the property traded and the property   sition  is  the  total  of  all  money  you  receive  plus  the  fair
         received must be both (i) real property, and (ii) business   market value of all property or services you receive. The
         or investment property.                                amount you realize also includes any of your liabilities that
            Report  the  exchange  of  like-kind  property  on  Form   were assumed by the buyer and any liabilities to which the
         8824, Like-Kind  Exchanges.  For  more  information  about   property  you  transferred  is  subject,  such  as  real  estate
         like-kind exchanges, see chapter 1 in Pub. 544.        taxes or a mortgage.

         Installment sales.  An installment sale is a sale of prop-  Fair  market  value.  Fair  market  value  is  the  price  at
         erty where you receive at least one payment after the tax   which the property would change hands between a buyer
         year  of  the  sale.  If  you  finance  the  buyer's  purchase  of   and a seller, neither having to buy or sell, and both having
         your  property,  instead  of  having  the  buyer  get  a  loan  or   reasonable knowledge of all necessary facts.
         mortgage from a third party, you probably have an install-  Amount  recognized.  Your  gain  or  loss  realized  from  a
         ment sale.                                             disposition of property is usually a recognized gain or loss
            For more information about installment sales, see Pub.   for  tax  purposes.  Recognized  gains  must  be  included  in

                                                            Chapter 3  Dispositions of Business Property    Page 17
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