Page 25 - Tax Guide for Small Business
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          5. The canceled debt is qualified principal residence in-  b. The fair market value (immediately before the can-
             debtedness which is discharged after 2006. See the        cellation) of the business real property that is se-
             Instructions for Form 982 for more information about      curity for the debt, reduced by the outstanding
             this exclusion.                                           principal amount of any other qualified real prop-
         If  a  canceled  debt  is  excluded  from  income  because  it   erty business debt secured by this property imme-
                                                                       diately before the cancellation.
         takes place in a bankruptcy case, the exclusions in situa-
         tions 2 through 5 do not apply. If it takes place when you   2. The total adjusted bases of depreciable real property
         are insolvent, the exclusions in situations 3 and 4 do not   held by you immediately before the cancellation.
         apply to the extent you are insolvent.                     These adjusted bases are determined after any basis
                                                                    reduction due to a cancellation in bankruptcy, insol-
         Debt.  For purposes of this discussion, debt includes any   vency, or of qualified farm debt. Do not take into ac-
         debt for which you are liable or which attaches to property   count depreciable real property acquired in contem-
         you hold.                                                  plation of the cancellation.

         Qualified  real  property  business  debt.  You  can  elect   Election.  To  make  this  election,  complete  Form  982
         to exclude (up to certain limits) the cancellation of quali-  and attach it to your income tax return for the tax year in
         fied real property business debt. If you make the election,   which the cancellation occurs. You must file your return by
         you must reduce the basis of your depreciable real prop-  the due date (including extensions). If you timely filed your
         erty by the amount excluded. Make this reduction at the   return  for  the  year  without  making  the  election,  you  can
         beginning of your tax year following the tax year in which   still make the election by filing an amended return within 6
         the  cancellation  occurs.  However,  if  you  dispose  of  the   months  of  the  due  date  of  the  return  (excluding  exten-
         property before that time, you must reduce its basis imme-  sions). For more information, see When To File in the form
         diately before the disposition.                        instructions.

            Cancellation  of  qualified  real  property  business   Other Income
         debt.  Qualified real property business debt is debt (other
         than qualified farm debt) that meets all the following con-
         ditions.                                               The following discussion explains how to treat other types
                                                                of business income you may receive.
          1. It was incurred or assumed in connection with real
             property used in a trade or business. Real property   Restricted property.  Restricted property is property that
             used in a trade or business does not include real   has certain restrictions that affect its value. If you receive
             property developed and held primarily for sale to cus-  restricted stock or other property for services performed,
             tomers in the ordinary course of business.         the fair market value of the property in excess of your cost
          2. It was secured by such real property.              is  included  in  your  income  on  Schedule  C  when  the  re-
                                                                striction is lifted. However, you can choose to be taxed in
          3. It was incurred or assumed at either of the following   the year you receive the property. For more information on
             times.                                             including  restricted  property  in  income,  see  Pub.  525,
              a. Before January 1, 1993.                        Taxable and Nontaxable Income.
              b. After December 31, 1992, if incurred or assumed   Gains and losses.  Do not report on Schedule C a gain
                to acquire, construct, or substantially improve the   or loss from the disposition of property that is neither stock
                real property.                                  in trade nor held primarily for sale to customers. Instead,
                                                                you  must  report  these  gains  and  losses  on  other  forms.
          4. It is debt to which you choose to apply these rules.  For more information, see chapter 3.
            Qualified real property business debt includes refinanc-  Promissory  notes.  Report  promissory  notes  and  other
         ing of debt described in (3) earlier, but only to the extent it   evidences of debt issued to you in a sale or exchange of
         does not exceed the debt being refinanced.             property that is stock in trade or held primarily for sale to
                 If  you  are  the  owner  of  a  disregarded  entity  (for   customers on Schedule C. In general, you report them at
          TIP    example,  a  single-member  LLC),  see  Qualified   their stated principal amount (minus any unstated interest)
                 Real  Property  Business  Indebtedness  in  chap-  when you receive them.
         ter 1 of Pub. 4681 to see if you qualify for this exclusion.  Lost income payments.  If you reduce or stop your busi-

            You  cannot  exclude  more  than  either  of  the  following   ness activities, report on Schedule C any payment you re-
         amounts.                                               ceive for the lost income of your business from insurance
          1. The excess (if any) of:                            or  other  sources.  Report  it  on  Schedule  C  even  if  your
                                                                business is inactive when you receive the payment.
              a. The outstanding principal of qualified real property
                business debt (immediately before the cancella-  Damages.  You must include in gross income compensa-
                tion); over                                     tion you receive during the tax year as a result of any of
                                                                the following injuries connected with your business.
                                                                 • Patent infringement.

                                                                            Chapter 5  Business Income    Page 23
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