Page 14 - Tax Day Reminders
P. 14
Here are the steps a taxpayer should
take when they can? pay a tax bill:
1. File their tax return or request an
extension of time to file by the
2. Pay as much as possible by the
April due date.
3. Review options the IRS offers to
help taxpayers:
- Payment plans -- Taxpayers
canapply for a payment planon or in writing usingForm
9465, Installment Agreement
- Offer in Compromise -- AnOffer in
Compromiselets taxpayers settle
their tax debt for less than the
full amount they owe. It may be
an option if they can't pay their
full tax liability or doing so
creates a financial hardship.
Taxpayers can see if they're
eligible and prepare a preliminary
proposal with theOffer in
Compromise Pre-Qualifier Tool.
- Penalty relief -- Taxpayers may
qualify forpenalty reliefif they
tried to comply with tax laws
but were unable due to
circumstances beyond their