Page 353 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 353
o Types (e.g., transactional, IT configuration, unstructured)
o Classification (enables standardization and prioritization)
o Environments (e.g., data warehouses, key databases)
Infrastructure repository of technology assets
o Servers
o Network devices
o Storage
o End-user devices (e.g., laptops, mobile devices)
External relationships
o Third-party hosted environments
o Sharing of data files with external organizations (e.g., vendors, regulatory bodies,
The capability to identify which software and devices are interacting on the network is
fundamental to being able to defend against cyber threats. The organization cannot defend
against network attacks on unknown devices and software. Organizations that allow
employees to bring their own devices experience a larger volume and variety of devices and
software accessing data via the corporate network. Controlling employee-owned devices and
connectivity to the network should be a key focus of management. Increasingly, more
employees are being required to have greater accessibility to organizational information
around the clock. The ability to detect, authenticate, and inventory unknown devices would
allow the organization to track, monitor, and measure changes in those devices to ensure the
overall cybersecurity strategy is effective.
Component 3: Standard Security Configurations
Centralized, automated configuration management software can be used to establish and
maintain baselines for devices, operating systems, and application software. Using
management software is more effective than managing systems manually or in a nonstandard
fashion. Information security and the internal audit activity should review baselines to ensure
an accurate assessment of environments based on risk can be achieved (e.g., externally
facing web environments may require additional protection). Processes to apply necessary
patches, as well as software and hardware updates, are also needed to ensure secure
configurations remain current as new threat information becomes available in the industry.
Component 4: Information Access Management
Management should consider implementing preventive controls such as having a process to
approve and grant access to users based on job roles. Additionally, a process to detect when
employees move within the organization would help to ensure that user access is adjusted and Assessing Cybersecurity Risk 18