Page 438 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 438
• Big data systems should be part of the maintenance strategy.
• Big data systems should be part of the change management strategy.
• Big data systems should be included in the patch management strategy.
• Big data systems should be procured, built, and/or configured in alignment with the complexity and demands
documented in the business case.
• Systems and support tools should be configured to provide automatic notifications to support personnel.
• Reporting tools should be configured to be flexible, intuitive, and easy to use; and training aids should be provided.
• Big data systems should be configured to allow flexibility and scalability without sacrificing performance.
• Periodic performance testing should be conducted and weaknesses should be remediated.
• The big data systems lifecycle should be managed properly.
• IT general controls should be assessed periodically.
Area: Security and Privacy
Key Risk: Ineffective information security standards and configurations may result in unauthorized
access to — and theft of — data, inappropriate modifications of data, and regulatory compliance
Control Activities
• Information security management should be part of the big data strategy.
• Data security management should be part of the big data strategy.
• Third-party access should be managed properly.
• Data privacy should be part of the big data strategy.
Area: Data Quality, Management, and Reporting
Key Risk: Data quality issues and/or inaccurate reporting may lead to inaccurate management reporting
and flawed decision making.
Control Activities
• Policies and procedures should be established to ensure data quality.
• Policies and procedures should be established to ensure that data obtained from third parties complies with data
quality standards.
• Policies and procedures should be established to ensure reporting accuracy.
• Access to reports should be granted based on business needs.
• Reporting tools and procedures should allow for flexibility and ad-hoc reporting.
• Users should be trained periodically to maximize report utility.
• The selection of vendors who provide reporting products and services should align with business needs.
Source: The IIA.
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