Page 538 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 538

GTAG – Appendix A

                                                IT OUTSOURCInG LIFE CyCLE

                                               Audit Step                                    Full Scope  High Value
                                                                                              Review     Focus
                   o Are trigger points understood by management and pre-defined to initiate or consider changes in   X
                   o Has management considered other risks that might drive the need to bring services back in house, and   X
                  have these risks been assessed, including macroeconomic, political, and geographic concerns?
                   o Does the provider have sound business continuity plan (BCP) capabilities? Are the BCP efforts   X  X
                 • Determine how the contract deals with the need to exit the business relationship.  X    X
                 • Summarize results and document conclusions.                                  X

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