Page 585 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 585

Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG)

        Written in straightforward business language to address a timely issue related to IT management, control, and security, the GTAG
        series serves as a ready resource for chief audit executives on different technology-associated risks and recommended practices.

                       Information Technology Controls: Topics                  Information Technology Outsourcing:
                       discussed include IT control concepts, the         )NFORMATION   Discusses how to choose the right IT
                       importance of IT controls, the                     /UTSOURCING  outsourcing vendor and key outsourcing
                       organizational roles and responsibilities for            control considerations from the client’s and
                       ensuring effective IT controls, and risk                 service provider’s operation.
                       analysis and monitoring techniques.

                       Change and Patch Management Controls:                    Auditing Application Controls: Addresses
                       Describes sources of change and their likely             the concept of application control and its
                Change and Patch                                           Auditing
              Management Controls:   impact on business objectives, as well as   Application   relationship with general controls, as well as
                 Critical for                                              Controls
                       how change and patch management
                  Success                                                       how to scope a risk-based application
                       controls help manage IT risks and costs and              control review.
                       what works and doesn’t work in practice.
                       Continuous Auditing: Addresses the role                  Identity and Access Management: Covers
                       of continuous auditing in today’s internal               key concepts surrounding identity and
               Continuous Auditing:                                    Identity and Access
             Implications for Assurance,  audit environment; the relationship of   Management  access management (IAM), risks associated
                Monitoring, and
                Risk Assessment
                       continuous auditing, continuous                          with IAM process, detailed guidance on
                       monitoring, and continuous assurance; and                how to audit IAM processes, and a sample
                       the application and implementation of                    checklist for auditors.
                       continuous auditing.
                       Management of IT Auditing: Discusses                     Business Continuity Management: Defines
                       IT-related risks and defines the IT audit                business continuity management (BCM),
                       universe, as well as how to execute and           Management  discusses business risk, and includes a
             Management of IT Auditing                                 Business Continuity
                       manage the IT audit process.                             detailed discussion of BCM program

                       Managing and Auditing Privacy Risks:                     Developing the IT Audit Plan: Provides
                       Discusses global privacy principles and                  step-by-step guidance on how to develop an
                 Managing                                               Developing the
                and Auditing  frameworks, privacy risk models and        IT Audit Plan  IT audit plan, from understanding the
                Privacy Risks
                       controls, the role of internal auditors, top 10          business, defining the IT audit universe, and
                       privacy questions to ask during the course of            performing a risk assessment, to formalizing
                       the audit, and more.                                     the IT audit plan.

                       Managing and Auditing IT Vulnerabilities:
                       Among other topics, discusses the                        Auditing IT Projects:  Provides an overview
             Managing and Auditing  vulnerability management life cycle, the    of  techniques  for  effectively  engaging  with
              IT Vulnerabilities
                       scope of a vulnerability management audit,               project teams and management to assess the
                       and metrics to measure vulnerability                     risks related to IT projects.
                       management practices.

        Visit The IIA’s Web site at to download the entire series.
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