Page 606 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 606

GTAG — The CAE’s Role in Addressing IT Fraud

            18.  Does  management  have  the  appropriate  skill  sets  in
                place to perform IT fraud investigations?                What to Include in a Fraud
            19.  Do  management  and  internal  auditing  periodically       Investigation Policy
                assess  the  effectiveness  and  efficiency  of  IT  fraud
                controls?                                            1.   How and when to start a fraud investigation.
            20.  Are IT fraud investigation working papers and supporting     2.   Documentation requirements for
                                                                       the fraud investigation.
                documents appropriately secured and retained?        3.   How to select the investigation team.
                                                                     4.   The process for adding experts to the team.
                                                                     5.   How to assess, evaluate, and
                                                                       mitigate internal controls.
                                                                     6.   How and when to elevate investigations.
                                                                     7.   Consistency and uniformity to be sure
                                                                       all offenses are treated the same.
                                                                     8.   Guidance on how far the organization
                                                                       is willing to pursue an investigation.
                                                                     9.   Communication channels to use before,
                                                                       during, and after the investigation.
                                                                   10.   Guidelines on the extent of recovery
                                                                       efforts to be conducted.

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