Page 34 - Selling Your Home User Guide
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            If a portion of a MACRS asset you own is in-  Related  property  voluntarily  sold.  A  volun-  and $2,000 accrued real estate taxes. You are
         voluntarily converted and gain is not recognized   tary sale of your property may be treated as a   considered  to  have  received  the  entire
         in whole or in part, the partial disposition rules in   forced sale that qualifies as an involuntary con-  $200,000 as a condemnation award.
         Treasury Regulations section 1.168(i)-8 apply.  version  if  the  property  had  a  substantial  eco-
                                             nomic relationship to property of yours that was   Interest  on  award.  If  the  condemning  au-
            This publication explains the treatment of a   condemned.  A  substantial  economic  relation-  thority pays you interest for its delay in paying
         gain or loss from a condemnation or disposition   ship  exists  if  together  the  properties  were  one   your  award,  it  is  not  part  of  the  condemnation
         under the threat of condemnation. If you have a   economic  unit.  You  must  also  show  that  the   award. You must report the interest separately
         gain  or  loss  from  the  destruction  or  theft  of   condemned  property  could  not  reasonably  or   as ordinary income.
         property, see Pub. 547.             adequately be replaced. You can elect to post-  Payments  to  relocate.  Payments  you  re-
                                             pone reporting the gain by buying replacement   ceive to relocate and replace housing because
         Condemnations                       property. See Postponement of Gain, later.  you have been displaced from your home, busi-
                                                                                 ness, or farm as a result of federal or federally
                                             Gain or Loss                        assisted programs are not part of the condem-
         A condemnation is the process by which private                          nation  award.  Do  not  include  them  in  your  in-
         property  is  legally  taken  for  public  use  without   From Condemnations
         the  owner's  consent.  The  property  may  be                          come. Replacement housing payments used to
                                                                                 buy new property are included in the property's
         taken  by  the  federal  government,  a  state  gov-  If your property was condemned or disposed of
         ernment, a political subdivision, or a private or-  under  the  threat  of  condemnation,  figure  your   basis as part of your cost.
         ganization that has the power to legally take it.   gain or loss by comparing the adjusted basis of   Net condemnation award.  A net condem-
         The  owner  receives  a  condemnation  award   your  condemned  property  with  your  net  con-  nation award is the total award you received, or
         (money  or  property)  in  exchange  for  the  prop-  demnation award.  are  considered  to  have  received,  for  the  con-
         erty taken. A condemnation is like a forced sale,                       demned  property  minus  your  expenses  of  ob-
         the owner being the seller and the condemning   If your net condemnation award is more than   taining the award. If only a part of your property
         authority being the buyer.          the adjusted basis of the condemned property,   was  condemned,  you  must  also  reduce  the
                                             you  have  a  gain.  You  can  postpone  reporting   award  by  any  special  assessment  levied
            Example.  A local government authorized to   gain  from  a  condemnation  if  you  buy  replace-  against the part of the property you retain. This
         acquire land for public parks informed you that it   ment  property.  If  only  part  of  your  property  is   is discussed later under Special assessment re-
         wished to acquire your property. After the local   condemned, you can treat the cost of restoring   tained out of award.
         government took action to condemn your prop-  the  remaining  part  to  its  former  usefulness  as
         erty, you went to court to keep it. But, the court   the  cost  of  replacement  property.  See  Post-  Severance  damages.  Severance  damages
         decided in favor of the local government, which   ponement of Gain, later.  are not part of the award paid for the property
         took  your  property  and  paid  you  an  amount                        condemned. They are paid to you if part of your
         fixed by the court. This is a condemnation of pri-  If your net condemnation award is less than   property is condemned and the value of the part
         vate property for public use.       your  adjusted  basis,  you  have  a  loss.  If  your   you keep is decreased because of the condem-
                                             loss is from property you held for personal use,   nation.
         Threat of condemnation.  A threat of condem-  you cannot deduct it. You must report any de-  For  example,  you  may  receive  severance
         nation exists if a representative of a government   ductible loss in the tax year it happened.  damages if your property is subject to flooding
         body  or  a  public  official  authorized  to  acquire                  because you sell flowage easement rights (the
         property for public use informs you that the gov-  You can use Part 2 of Table 1-3 to fig-  condemned property) under threat of condem-
         ernment body or official has decided to acquire   TIP  ure your gain or loss from a condemna-  nation. Severance damages may also be given
         your  property.  You  must  have  reasonable   tion award.              to you if, because part of your property is con-
         grounds to believe that, if you do not sell volun-                      demned  for  a  highway,  you  must  replace  fen-
         tarily, your property will be condemned.  Main  home  condemned.  If  you  have  a  gain   ces, dig new wells or ditches, or plant trees to
            The sale of your property to someone other   because  your  main  home  is  condemned,  you   restore  your  remaining  property  to  the  same
         than the condemning authority will also qualify   can  generally  exclude  the  gain  from  your  in-  usefulness it had before the condemnation.
         as  an  involuntary  conversion,  provided  you   come  as  if  you  had  sold  or  exchanged  your   The contracting parties should agree on the
         have  reasonable  grounds  to  believe  that  your   home.  You  may  be  able  to  exclude  up  to   specific amount of severance damages in writ-
         property will be condemned. If the buyer of this   $250,000 of the gain (up to $500,000 if married   ing.  If  this  is  not  done,  all  proceeds  from  the
         property  knows  at  the  time  of  purchase  that  it   filing jointly). For information on this exclusion,   condemning authority are considered awarded
         will be condemned and sells it to the condemn-  see Pub. 523. If your gain is more than you can   for your condemned property.
         ing authority, this sale also qualifies as an invol-  exclude but you buy replacement property, you   You cannot make a completely new alloca-
         untary conversion.                  may  be  able  to  postpone  reporting  the  rest  of   tion  of  the  total  award  after  the  transaction  is
            Reports  of  condemnation.  A  threat  of   the gain. See Postponement of Gain, later.  completed. However, you can show how much
         condemnation  exists  if  you  learn  of  a  decision                   of  the  award  both  parties  intended  for  sever-
         to acquire your property for public use through a   Condemnation   award.  A   condemnation   ance damages. The severance damages part of
         report  in  a  newspaper  or  other  news  medium,   award is the money you are paid or the value of   the award is determined from all the facts and
         and this report is confirmed by a representative   other property you receive for your condemned   circumstances.
         of  the  government  body  or  public  official  in-  property. The award is also the amount you are
         volved.  You  must  have  reasonable  grounds  to   paid for the sale of your property under threat of   Example.  You sold part of your property to
         believe  that  they  will  take  necessary  steps  to   condemnation.   the  state  under  threat  of  condemnation.  The
         condemn your property if you do not sell volun-                         contract  you  and  the  condemning  authority
         tarily. If you relied on oral statements made by a   Payment  of  your  debts.  Amounts  taken   signed showed only the total purchase price. It
         government representative or public official, the   out of the award to pay your debts are consid-  did not specify a fixed sum for severance dam-
         IRS may ask you to get written confirmation of   ered  paid  to  you.  Amounts  the  government   ages. However, at settlement, the condemning
         the statements.                     pays directly to the holder of a mortgage or lien   authority  gave  you  closing  papers  showing
                                             against  your  property  are  part  of  your  award,   clearly the part of the purchase price that was
            Example.  Your  property  lies  along  public   even if the debt attaches to the property and is   for severance damages. You may treat this part
         utility lines. The utility company has the author-  not your personal liability.  as severance damages.
         ity to condemn your property. The company in-                              Treatment  of  severance  damages.  Your
         forms you that it intends to acquire your prop-  Example.  The state condemned your prop-  net  severance  damages  are  treated  as  the
         erty by negotiation or condemnation. A threat of   erty  for  public  use.  The  award  was  set  at   amount realized from an involuntary conversion
         condemnation exists when you receive the no-  $200,000. The state paid you only $148,000 be-  of the remaining part of your property. Use them
         tice.                               cause it paid $50,000 to your mortgage holder
                                                                                        Chapter 1  Gain or Loss    Page 7
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