Page 84 - Selling Your Home User Guide
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community property becomes the basis of the entire prop- Calculation. To figure the portion of the gain allocated
erty, including the part belonging to the surviving spouse. to the period of non-qualified use, see Worksheet 3. De-
For this rule to apply, at least half the value of the com- termine if You Have Taxable Gain below.
munity property interest must be includible in the dece-
dent's gross estate, whether or not the estate must file a Exceptions. The following situations apply when using
return. only a portion of the main home for business or rental us-
For more information about community property, see age and don’t affect your gain or loss calculations.
Pub. 555, Community Property. • Space within the living area. If the space you used
If you are selling a home in which you acquired an for business or rental purposes was within the living
! interest from a decedent who died in 2010, see area of the home, then your usage doesn't affect your
CAUTION Pub. 4895, Tax Treatment of Property Acquired gain or loss calculations (except for an adjustment to
From a Decedent Dying in 2010, available at https:// basis for depreciation, taken after May 6, 1997, to be, to determine recaptured and reported as ordinary income). Exam-
your basis. ples of spaces within the living area include a rented
spare bedroom and attic space used as a home office.
Business or Rental Use of Home For information on space outside the living area, see
Business or rental usage calculations below.
If you fail to meet the requirements to qualify for the • Space formerly used for business or rental.
$250,000 or $500,000 exclusion, you may still qualify for a Space that was once used for business or rental pur-
reduced exclusion. If you fail to meet the ownership and poses may be considered as residence space at the
use tests, or if you used a portion of your home for busi- time of sale. A space formerly used for business is
ness or rental purposes during your ownership, this type considered residence space if ALL of the following are
of usage may affect your gain or loss calculations. For true.
more information about using any part of your home for – You weren’t using the space for business or rental
business or as a rental property, see Pub. 587, Business at the time you sold the property,
Use of Your Home, and Pub. 527, Residential Rental – You didn’t earn any business or rental income from
Property. the space in the year you sold your home, and
Gain from the sale or exchange of your main home isn’t – You used the space as residence space for 2 years
excludable from income if it is allocable to periods of out of the 5 years leading up to the sale.
non-qualified use. Non-qualified use means any period af-
ter 2008 where neither you nor your spouse (or your for- If your space is considered as residence space at the time
mer spouse) used the property as your main home, with of the sale, then your former business usage DOESN’T af-
certain exceptions. fect your gain/loss calculations, unless you took or were
allowed to take depreciation for use of your home for busi-
Exceptions. A period of non-qualified use does not in- ness or rental purposes. See Worksheet 2, line 5.
1. Any portion of the 5-year period ending on the date of Business or rental usage calculations. Business or
rental space that is separate from the living area affects
the sale or exchange after the last date you or your your gain/loss calculations. Examples of space not within
spouse (or former spouse) used the property as your the living area include a first-floor storefront with an at-
main home; tached residence; a rented apartment in a duplex; or a
2. Any period (not to exceed 10 years) during which you working farm with a farmhouse on the property. If you
(or your spouse) are serving on qualified official ex- have used part of the home (not within the home’s living
tended duty area) for solely business or rental purposes for more than
a. As a member of the uniformed services; 3 of the last 5 years, you need to make separate gain/loss
calculations for the business and residence portions of
b. As a member of the Foreign Service of the Uni- your property. Make three copies of all pages of Work-
ted States; or sheet 2. Label one copy “Total,” one copy “Home,” and
c. As an employee of the intelligence community; one copy “Business or Rental.”
Complete your “Total” worksheet using the figures for
and your property as a whole. Include the total amount you re-
3. Any other period of temporary absence (not to exceed ceived, all of your basis adjustments, etc. Include the cost
an aggregate period of 2 years) due to change of em- of all improvements, whether you made them to the busi-
ployment, health conditions, or other unforeseen cir- ness space or the residential space.
cumstances as may be specified by the IRS. See Eli- Determine your “business or rental percentage,” mean-
gibility Step 5—Exceptions to the Eligibility Test, and ing the percentage of your property that you used for busi-
Does Your Home Sale Qualify for the Exclusion of ness or rental. If you took depreciation on your home on
Gain, earlier. past tax returns, use the same business or rental percent-
age that you used in determining how much depreciation
to take. If you didn’t take depreciation on your home on
Publication 523 (2022) Page 11