Page 24 - Payroll State Taxes Filing Forms
P. 24

California Personal Income Tax (6/6)

                                                                                            PIT Tax

                                                                                           PIT is a tax on the income of California
                                                                                           residents and on income that nonresidents
                                                                                           get within California. The EDD administers
                                                                                           the reporting, collection, and enforcement of
                                                                                           PIT wage withholding. The Franchise Tax
                                                                                           Board (FTB) and the EDD administer the
                                                                                           California PIT program for the Governor to
                                                                                           provide resources needed for California
                                                                                           public services, such as schools, public
                                                                                           parks, roads, health, and human services.

                                                                                           California PIT is withheld from employees’
                                                                                           pay based on the Employee’s Withholding
                                                                                           Allowance Certificate (Form W-4 or DE 4) on
                                                                                           file with their employer. There is no taxable
                                                                                           wage limit. Refer to the PIT withholding
                                                                                           schedule. The withholding rate is based on
                                                                                           the employee's Form W-4 or DE 4. There is no
                                                                                           maximum tax.

                                                                                           For assistance, contact the Taxpayer
                                                                                           Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886 or visit
                                                                                           your local Employment Tax Office.
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