Page 4 - Payroll State Taxes Filing Forms
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Your Local CPA Firm and Partner

                                                 /!\ We provide all CPA Firm Services /!\

                                            TALK TO US AND FEEL THE DIFFERENCE

                                  Cloud based Accounting                                Tax Services

                                  We provide cloud-based                                We provide business tax evaluation,
                                  accounting services, so that                          filing including personal taxes for all
                                  you can see your numbers                              clients
                                  real-time & anytime.
                                  Incorporation Services                                 Payroll Services

                                  Looking for guidance and                               We provide full payroll services
                                  consulting to understand which                         including benefits design,
                                  business option is good, talk to                       planning and run payroll on your
                                  us now!                                                behalf, including reports, state
                                                                                         and federal filing!                                                                                                            Page: 2
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