Page 128 - Inflation-Reduction-Act-Guidebook
P. 128
Environmental Product Declaration Assistance
Federal Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Bureau or Office: Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
IRA Statutory Location: 60112
Program Description: To support the development and standardization of environmental
product declarations, including measurements of the embodied greenhouse gas emissions of
construction materials and products.
Funding Amount: $250,000,000
Period of Availability: To remain available until September 30, 2031
Funding Mechanism: Competitive grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, technical
assistance, direct federal spending
New or Existing Program: New
Eligible Recipients: Businesses that manufacture construction materials/products, and states,
Tribes, and nonprofit organizations that will support such businesses
Tribal Eligibility: Yes
Eligible Uses: Developing and verifying environmental product declarations; technical
assistance; other activities that assist in measuring, reporting, and steadily reducing the quantity
of embodied carbon in construction materials and products.
Cost Share Requirements: No
Formula Funding: TBD. Exploring both non-competitive formula funding and competitive
grants. Assistance Listing: TBD
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