Page 159 - Inflation-Reduction-Act-Guidebook
P. 159
Payments to Private Forestland Landowners for
Implementation of Forestry Practices
Federal Agency: Department of Agriculture
Bureau or Office: Forest Service
IRA Statutory Location: 23002(a)(4)
Program Description: To assist states and other eligible entities in providing payments to
private forestland landowners for implementation of forestry practices on private forest land that
provide measurable increases in carbon sequestration and storage beyond customary practices on
comparable land.
Funding Amount: $50,000,000
Period of Availability: To remain available until September 30, 2031.
Funding Mechanism: Grants
New or Existing Program: New
Eligible Recipients: Non-Industrial Private Forests
Tribal Eligibility: Yes
Eligible Uses: Financial assistance to private forestland landowners
Cost Share Requirements: 20%
Formula Funding: No Assistance Listing: TBD
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