Page 170 - Inflation-Reduction-Act-Guidebook
P. 170

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                                Facilities of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                 Administration and National Marine Sanctuaries

               Federal Agency: Department of Commerce
               Bureau or Office: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

               IRA Statutory Location: 40002

               Program Description: To support the construction of National Oceanic and Atmospheric
               Administration (NOAA) facilities and facilities that support the National Marine Sanctuary

               Funding Amount: $200,000,000

               Period of Availability: To remain available until September 30, 2026

               Funding Mechanism: Direct Federal Spending

               New or Existing Program: Existing

               Eligible Recipients: Direct Federal Spending

               Tribal Eligibility: No

               Eligible Uses: Construction of new facilities (including facilities in need of replacement)
               including piers, marine operations facilities, and fisheries laboratories and construction of
               facilities to support the National Marine Sanctuary System.

               Cost Share Requirements: N/A

               Formula Funding: No

      Assistance Listing: N/A

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