Page 16 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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         does  not  assume  any  primary  withholding  re-  or is covered as an account that is exclu-  withholding rate pool) (see Pooled with-
         sponsibility. The QI gives you a Form W-8IMY   ded from the definition of financial account   holding information, later); and
         with  which  it  associates  the  Form  W-9  and  a   under Annex II of an applicable IGA or un-  • You have sufficient information to report
         withholding statement that allocates 40% of the   der Regulations section 1.1471-5(a) and   the payment on Form 1042-S or Form
         dividend to a 15% withholding rate pool, 40% to   has provided QI with a certification that it   1099, if reporting is required.
         a  30%  withholding  rate  pool,  and  20%  to  the   has maintained such Chapter 4 status dur-
         U.S.  individual.  You  should  report  on  Forms   ing each certification period.  Withholding  statement.    The  NQI  or  U.S.
         1042-S 40% of the payment as made to a 15%   • None of its partners, beneficiaries, or own-  branch  must  give  you  certain  information  on  a
         rate dividend pool and 40% of the payment as   ers is a withholding foreign trust, withhold-  withholding  statement  that  is  associated  with
         made to a 30% rate dividend pool. The part of   ing foreign partnership, participating FFI,   the  Form  W-8IMY.  A  withholding  statement
         the  payment  allocable  to  the  U.S.  individual   registered deemed-compliant FFI, regis-  must be updated to keep the information accu-
         (20%) is reportable on Form 1099-DIV.   tered deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI,   rate prior to each payment. See, however, Reg-
                                                 or another QI acting as an intermediary for   ulations  section  1.1441-3(e)(4)(iv)(C)  for  when
         Joint account treatment.  A QI may apply joint   a payment made by the QI to the partner-  a withholding agent may instead accept an al-
         account treatment to a partnership or trust if the   ship or trust.     ternative withholding statement.
         partnership  or  trust  meets  the  following  condi-  • It agrees to permit the QI to treat its direct
         tions.                                  and indirect partners, beneficiaries, or   For  Chapter  4  purposes.  An  NQI  receiv-
           • It is a nonwithholding foreign partnership or   owners as direct and indirect account hold-  ing  a  withholdable  payment  must  provide  a
             nonwithholding foreign trust that is either a   ers, respectively, of the QI under the QI   withholding  statement  which  satisfies  the  re-
             simple or grantor trust.            agreement.                      quirements of an FFI withholding statement or,
           • It is a certified deemed-compliant FFI   • It agrees to comply with the compliance   if the NQI is not a participating FFI or registered
             (other than a registered deemed-compliant   procedures of the QI agreement.  deemed-compliant FFI, a Chapter 4 withholding
             Model 1 IGA FFI), an owner-documented   For information on these rules, see section   statement.
             FFI with respect to the QI, an exempt ben-  4.06  of  the  QI  agreement  in  Revenue  Proce-  An  FFI  withholding  statement  may  allocate
             eficial owner, an NFFE, or is covered as an   dure   2017-15,   available   at  the  payment  to  Chapter  4  reporting  rate  pools
             account that is excluded from the definition   2017-03_IRB#RP-2017-15.  (as  appropriate),  including  a  Chapter  4  with-
             of financial account under Annex II of an                           holding  rate  pool  for  nonparticipating  FFIs,  re-
             applicable IGA or under Regulations sec-  Form 1042-S reporting.  A QI is generally per-  calcitrant account holders (in each class of ac-
             tion 1.1471-5(a) and has provided the QI   mitted  to  report  payments  made  to  its  foreign   count  holders  as  described  in  the  Chapter  4
             with a certification that it has maintained   account holders on a pooled basis rather than   regulations), and, for an NQI that is a participat-
             such Chapter 4 status during each certifi-  reporting payments to each account holder spe-  ing FFI (including a reporting Model 2 FFI) or a
             cation period.                  cifically. Pooled basis reporting is not available   registered  deemed-compliant  FFI  (including  a
           • It is a direct account holder of the QI.  for  payments  to  certain  account  holders,  such   reporting Model 1 FFI), U.S. payees. However,
           • None of its partners, beneficiaries, or own-  as nonqualified intermediaries, flow-through en-  an NQI may allocate a payment of a reportable
             ers is a flow-through entity or is acting as   tities (discussed earlier) and certain of their ac-  amount (regardless of whether the payment is a
             an intermediary for a payment made by the   count holders and owners, private arrangement   withholdable payment) to a Chapter 4 withhold-
             QI to the partnership or trust, and none of   intermediaries,  and,  in  certain  circumstances,   ing rate pool of U.S. payees when the NQI sat-
             its partners, beneficiaries, or owners is a   qualified  intermediaries,  withholding  foreign   isfies  the  requirements  for  providing  such  a
             U.S. person.                    partnerships,  and  withholding  foreign  trusts.   pool,  including  the  requirement  to  certify  to  its
           • None of its foreign partners, beneficiaries,   Notwithstanding  these  requirements,  separate   status as a participating FFI, including a report-
             or owners is subject to withholding or re-  Forms 1042-S are not issued to account hold-  ing Model 2 FFI, or registered deemed-compli-
             porting under Chapter 4.        ers that the QI is permitted to include in a Chap-  ant FFI, including a reporting Model 1 FFI.
           • It agrees to make available upon request to   ter 4 withholding rate pool.  If  the  FFI  withholding  statement  instead  in-
             the QI (or QI’s reviewer) records that es-                          cludes payee-specific information for purposes
             tablish it has provided the QI with docu-  Collective  refund  procedures.  A  QI  may   of Chapter 4, it must indicate both the portion of
             mentation for purposes of Chapters 3 and   seek a refund of tax withheld under Chapters 3   the payment allocated to each payee and each
             4 for all of its partners, beneficiaries, or   and 4 on behalf of its account holders when the   payee’s  Chapter  4  status.  The  withholding
             owners.                         QI has not issued a Form 1042-S to the account   statement also must identify each intermediary
                                                                                 or  flow-through  entity  that  is  receiving  a  pay-
            For information on these rules, see section   holders  that  received  the  payment  that  was   ment   (excluding   any   intermediary   or
         4.05  of  the  QI  agreement  in  Revenue  Proce-  subject  to  overwithholding.  The  account  hold-  flow-through entity that is an account holder or
         dure   2017-15,   available   at  ers, therefore, are not required to file claims for   interest holder in another QI, WP, or WT), each
         2017-03_IRB#RP-2017-15.             refund with the IRS to obtain refunds, but rather   such entity’s Chapter 4 status and GIIN (if appli-
                                             may obtain them from the QI. A QI may obtain a   cable)  when  required  for  Chapter  4  purposes,
         Agency  option.  A  QI  may  apply  the  agency   refund  of  tax  withheld  under  Chapter  4,  how-  and the Chapter 4 withholding rate pools asso-
         option to a partnership or trust under which the   ever,  to  the  extent  permitted  under  the  QI   ciated with each such entity.
         partnership or trust agrees to act as an agent of   agreement.             A  Chapter  4  withholding  statement  must
         the  QI  and  to  apply  the  provisions  of  the  QI                   contain  the  name,  address,  TIN  (if  any),  entity
         agreement to its partners, beneficiaries, or own-  Nonqualified Intermediary (NQI)  type,  Chapter  4  status  of  each  payee,  the
         ers. A QI and a partnership or trust may only ap-                       amount  allocated  to  each  payee,  and  a  valid
         ply the agency option if the partnership or trust   If you are making a payment to an NQI or U.S.   withholding  certificate  or  other  documentation
         meets the following conditions.     branch  that  is  using  Form  W-8IMY  to  transmit   sufficient  to  establish  each  payee’s  Chapter  4
           • It is a nonwithholding foreign partnership or   information about the branch's account holders   status  for  payees  that  are  not  included  in  a
             nonwithholding foreign trust that is either a   or customers, you can treat the payment (or a   Chapter  4  withholding  rate  pool  of  nonpartici-
             simple or grantor trust.        part of the payment) as reliably associated with   pating  FFIs.  The  withholding  statement  also
           • It is either a direct account holder of the QI   valid documentation from a specific payee only   must identify each intermediary or flow-through
             or an indirect account holder of the QI that   if, before making the payment:  entity that is receiving a payment (excluding any
             is a direct partner, beneficiary, or owner of   • You can allocate the payment to a valid   intermediary or flow-through entity that is an ac-
             a partnership or trust to which the QI also   Form W-8IMY;          count  holder  or  interest  holder  in  another  QI,
             applies the agency option.        • You can reliably determine how much of   WP, or WT), each such entity’s Chapter 4 sta-
           • It is an FFI that is a certified deemed-com-  the payment relates to valid documentation   tus and GIIN (if applicable), and the Chapter 4
             pliant FFI (other than a registered   provided by a payee (a person that is not   withholding  rate  pools  associated  with  each
             deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI), an   itself a foreign intermediary, flow-through   such  entity.  An  allocation  of  a  payment  to  an
             owner-documented FFI with respect to the   entity, or U.S. branch with a Chapter 4   NQI,  nonwithholding  foreign  partnership,  or
             QI, an NFFE, an exempt beneficial owner,
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