Page 3 - LeninThomasCPA Brochure
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cpa Ser vices

       l ocal  cpa  par t ner

       Our firm will partner with your business
       requirements for accounting, tax
       planning, tax preparation and filing
       services, part time CFO services, payroll
       & benefits planning and support.
       CALL US NOW!

                                                    Planning to start your dream
                                                                                       Your company status
                                                    We offer free initial assessment   will drive your legal
                                                    meeting to understand and guide    and regulatory
                                                    you with your dream company        requirements to be
                                                    planning.                          fulfilled on regular basis.
                                                    To start a dream company is easy,   CALL US NOW!  WE WILL
                                                    only when you know the legal       GUIDE IN THE COMPANY
                                                    advantages of choosing the ""Right   FORMATION PROCESS IN
                                                    Type of Company Structure".        EVERY STEP TO SUCCEED!

       Our CPA Firm is          Our firm or employees
       completed hosted on the   will not send any financial
       CLOUD enabled            document through emails
       infrastructure and       to you or ask for any
       secured by SMARTVAULT    details via emails.
       cloud application for
                                Your security is our
       managing your digital file
                                primary goal, hence we
       storage with your own
                                encourage all our Client
       login credentials.
                                Users, to use our
       We take every care and   SmartVault application for
       safety measures to keep   communicating or
       all your financial       transferring files with us.
       documents  secured.
       You can access your
                                INCASE OF ANY
       personal digital vault
                                ACCESS ISSUES, YOU
       anytime from your Phone,
                                CAN REACH OUT TO US
       Tablet or Laptop/PC, for
                                VIA EMAIL
       uploading, downloading
       or exchange files with us,
       safely and securely.
       You can enable additional
       security features for
       managing your personal
       vault in our web portal.
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