Page 253 - International Taxation IRS Training Guides
P. 253

                                                                         of Terms

                 Acronym/Terms                                                      Definition

                 BEAT                               Base    Erosion and Anti-Abuse Tax

                 CFC                                Controlled Foreign      Corporation

                 DRD                                Dividends    Received Deduction

                 DTIR                               Deemed      Tangible Income Return

                 E&P                                Earnings    and Profits

                 FDII                               Foreign-Derived Intangible Income

                 FTC                                Foreign Tax     Credit

                 GILTI                              Global Low-Taxed        Intangible Income

                 PFIC                               Passive    Foreign Investment Company

                 QBAI                               Qualified Business Asset Investment

                 REIT                               Real   Estate Investment Trust

                 RIC                                Regulated Investment        Company

                 SFC                                Specified Foreign      Corporation

                 TCJA                               Tax   Cuts and Jobs Act

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