Page 262 - International Taxation IRS Training Guides
P. 262
Do Taxpayers Achieve Global Tax
Planning Objectives?
Reduce ETR, for example,
tax jurisdictions
• Generating income in offshore low
income by borrowing and other strategies
• Reducing net
− Minimizing exposure to IRC
163(j), 267A, Global
and Base Erosion
Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI)
Tax (BEAT)
Foreign Derived Intangible
• Maximizing income taxed as
Income (FDII)
to the participation exemption
• Maximizing income subject
• Minimizing US
and foreign income taxes
• Utilizing past
and current foreign losses for tax benefit
when repatriated no longer
• Because certain foreign earnings
bring FTCs,
US MNEs may affirmatively plan into Subpart-F
high tax CFCs, which would bring back FTCs.