Page 19 - Tax Withholding Estimator FAQ's
P. 19

How do I input federal

                                                                           income tax withheld?

                                                         Depending on your sit uat ion, t here are a few
                                                         input s for t his quest ion.

                                                            -   For a past  job, we will ask for federal income
                                                                t ax wit hheld year-t o-dat e.
                                                            -   For current  jobs, we will ask for federal
                                                                income t ax wit hheld per pay period and
                                                                year-t o-dat e. The per pay period input  refers
                                                                t o federal income t ax wit hheld per
                                                            -   If you?e filling t his out  in January and your
                                                                most  recent  pay period ended in December
                                                                of t he previous year, t hen please input  t he
                                                                federal income t ax wit hheld per pay period
                                                                in t he last  paycheck input .

                                                         How do i input a bonus that

                                                         I have not yet received?

                                                            -   The application is designed to

                                                                handle withholding on a bonus. For

                                                                a bonus not yet received, enter the
                                                                amount in the ?any bonuses you

        Income and                                              expect to receive later this year?

        Withholding page                                        field.
                                                            -   Then, you may select a checkbox

                                                                right under that field if you know

                                                                that your employer will withhold

                                                                tax on the bonus for you.

                                                         How do i input my social

                                                         security income?

                                                         Select social security income

                                                         checkbox in Step 1, then enter the

                                                         amount in Step 2.
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