Page 41 - ITGC Planning
P. 41

Characteristics of each Strategy (time-line)

               Description                                                                 Pilot                                 Big Bank & Phased Big Bang

               Timeframe                                                       Lasts less than 3 months                                 More than 3 months

               How long will this project run?

               Risk                                                                      Low Risk                                             High Risk

               Associated risk of execution

               Cost                                                                  High initial cost                                   Low cost over time
               Capital cost, 3 party resources etc.

               ROI                                                                    Volatile return                                       Faster return
               Return on Investment

               Disruption to Operations                               Minimal, however employees may lack                   Moderate, Organization will need ramp-
               Ramp-up period, Change Management etc.                                 buy-in to test                                            up time

               Next steps for implementation                                 Requires go/no-go decision                       Always a “go” decision, with sponsor
               Go forward as-is or iterate                                                                                                     approval

               Continuous monitoring                                          Need resources to analyze                             Need resources to analyze

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