Page 14 - Understandinging Forensic Technology Landscape
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Organizations have typically used the Hadoop The recent proliferation and advancement of artificial
framework to analyze big data. The Hadoop core intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies
infrastructure is composed of: have enabled vendors to produce software for big data
• Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) allows analysis that strives to effectively and easily serve the
the storage of data across many computers and needs of data handling teams, including the growing
protects the data from being lost or altered in case citizen data scientist population. Some of the leading
of computer failure. big data services include Microsoft Azure, Amazon
Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Splunk, Cloudera,
• YARN maximizes computing power by efficiently Elasticsearch, and IBM.
assigning big data tasks to Hadoop computers.
• Map Reduce is the original method of conducting
queries on top of structured big data. Generally accepted use by courts and
The Hadoop platform has evolved beyond this core
infrastructure to allow for easier data querying, such Data analytics are frequently used by businesses and
as Pig, Hive, Spark, Presto and Drill. Outside of the courts, both as evidence in investigations and legal
Hadoop ecosystem, Elastisearch is a common tool for proceedings and as tools employed in expert analyses.
processing unstructured big data. The following are keys to admissibility and reliability:
In addition to the storage and basic analysis of big data, • Inputs
current big data analytics applications enable analysts • Selection of specific data
to apply a growing range of tools for investigation and • Analytic approaches and quality control of the outputs
reporting on both structured and unstructured data
within databases. These tools can include natural Some types of data analytics are less familiar to the
language processing, network graphing, link analysis, courts, and the practitioner should be prepared to
predictive modeling, and statistics. explain the approaches and whether they are
generally accepted.
8 Refer to Learn More section for more information on these services.
Understanding the forensic technology landscape | 10