Page 12 - Supplement to Income Tax 2019
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Estimating Your 2019 Taxes

                                       Estimating Your 2019 Taxes

         In estimating your 2019 tax liability, take into account   For both traditional and Roth IRA contributions,
         relevant cost-of-living adjustments to various deduction,   married persons filing separately are treated as single if they
         credit, and exclusion amounts shown below, the 2019 tax   live apart for the whole year. If the spouses file separately
         rate tables (see page 12), the deductible standard mileage   and live together at any time during the year, and either
         rates for 2019 (see pages 4), and the Social Security,   of them is an active participant in an employer retirement
         Medicare, and self-employment tax limits for 2019     plan, a deduction for traditional IRA contributions is
         (see  pages  5–6). Also  keep  in  mind  the  possibility  that   phased out for each spouse over a MAGI range of $0 to
         Congress may enact tax law changes that affect your 2019   $10,000. For Roth IRA contributions, the contribution
         tax liability (see pages 3–4).                        limit for married persons filing separately is phased out
                                                               over the $0 to $10,000 MAGI phaseout range if they live
                                                               together at any time during the year, without regard to
         Retirement Plan Cost-of-Living Adjustments            participation in an employer retirement plan.

         for 2019                                              Elective deferrals to employer retirement plans (pages
                                                               191–192, 196–198).  The basic limit for elective deferrals in
         Traditional IRA and Roth IRA contributions for 2019   2019 is $19,000, up from $18,500 in 2018. The $19,000
         (pages 212–221, 249–252).  The basic contribution     limit applies to 401(k), 403(b), and 457 plans, the federal
         limit for traditional and Roth IRAs is $6,000, or $500   government’s Thrift Savings plan, and pre-1997 salary-
         more than in 2018. This is the first increase in the basic   reduction Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plans. If
         contribution amount since 2013. The $6,000 limit is   such plans allow, individuals who are age 50 or older by
         increased by $1,000 for those who will be age 50 or older   the end of the year may make an additional “catch-up
         by the end of 2019.                                   contribution.” The catch-up contribution limit remains
            For traditional IRAs, the $6,000 or $7,000 (age 50 or   $6,000 for 2019.
         older) contribution limit is also the deductible limit except   For  a  SIMPLE  IRA,  the  deferral  limit  is  increased  in
         for active participants in employer retirement plans with   2019 to $13,000, up from $12,500 in 2018, with a catch-
         modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) above the phaseout   up contribution of $3,000 for those age 50 or over by the
         threshold. For active participants who are married filing   end of 2019 (unchanged from 2018).
         jointly or qualifying widows or widowers, the phaseout for   Defined contribution plans and pension plans (pages
         2019 deductible contributions to traditional IRAs begins   708–714).  The overall limitation on employee and
         at MAGI of $103,000 (from $101,000), with the phaseout   employer contributions (including forfeitures) to a defined
         complete when MAGI is $123,000 or more. For single    contribution plan (such as a self-employed profit-sharing
         taxpayers and heads of household, the phaseout threshold   SEP or Keogh) is $56,000 (up slightly from $55,000 in
         is $64,000 (from $63,000); the phaseout is complete when   2018). The general limitation on the annual benefit from
         MAGI is $74,000 or more.                              a defined benefit pension plan is $225,000 (up from
            The phaseout threshold for a married person filing jointly   $220,000 in 2018).
         who is not an active plan participant but whose spouse is
         an active participant increases slightly to $193,000 (from   Compensation  limit  (pages  709–710).  The maximum
         $189,000), and the phaseout for that nonparticipant   amount of compensation that can be taken into account
         spouse is complete when MAGI is $203,000 or more.     when applying the contribution limits for qualified defined
            For Roth IRAs, the $6,000 or $7,000 contribution limit   contribution and pension plans is $280,000 (up from
         (all Roth contributions are nondeductible) is phased out   $275,000 in 2018).
         for  married  persons  filing  jointly  and  qualifying  widows   SEP eligibility (page 246).  Employees meeting the age and
         or widowers with 2019 MAGI exceeding $193,000, up     service requirements must be covered by a SEP if they have
         from $189,000, and the phaseout will be complete if   2019 compensation exceeding $600 (no change).
         MAGI is $203,000 or more. For single taxpayers and
         heads of household, the phaseout threshold is increasing to   Definition of key employee or highly compensated
         $122,000 from $120,000; the phaseout will be complete if   employee (page 192).  The earnings threshold for
         2019 MAGI is $137,000 or more.                        determining highly compensated employees under the

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