Page 93 - Form W4 and payroll Tables
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12:15 - 8-Dec-2020
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2021 Wage Bracket Method Tables for Manual Payroll Systems With Forms W-4 From 2019 or Earlier
MONTHLY Payroll Period
If the Wage Amount MARRIED Persons
(line 1a) And the number of allowances is:
But less 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
At least than The Tentative Withholding Amount is:
$6,240 $6,300 $597 $554 $511 $468 $425 $382 $339 $296 $253 $210 $167
$6,300 $6,360 $604 $561 $518 $475 $432 $389 $346 $303 $260 $217 $174
$6,360 $6,420 $612 $569 $526 $483 $440 $397 $354 $311 $268 $225 $182
$6,420 $6,480 $619 $576 $533 $490 $447 $404 $361 $318 $275 $232 $189
$6,480 $6,540 $626 $583 $540 $497 $454 $411 $368 $325 $282 $239 $196
$6,540 $6,600 $633 $590 $547 $504 $461 $418 $375 $332 $289 $246 $203
$6,600 $6,660 $640 $597 $554 $511 $468 $425 $382 $339 $296 $253 $210
$6,660 $6,720 $648 $605 $562 $519 $476 $433 $390 $347 $304 $261 $218
$6,720 $6,780 $655 $612 $569 $526 $483 $440 $397 $354 $311 $268 $225
$6,780 $6,840 $662 $619 $576 $533 $490 $447 $404 $361 $318 $275 $232
$6,840 $6,900 $669 $626 $583 $540 $497 $454 $411 $368 $325 $282 $239
$6,900 $6,960 $676 $633 $590 $547 $504 $461 $418 $375 $332 $289 $246
$6,960 $7,020 $684 $641 $598 $555 $512 $469 $426 $383 $340 $297 $254
$7,020 $7,080 $691 $648 $605 $562 $519 $476 $433 $390 $347 $304 $261
$7,080 $7,140 $698 $655 $612 $569 $526 $483 $440 $397 $354 $311 $268
$7,140 $7,200 $705 $662 $619 $576 $533 $490 $447 $404 $361 $318 $275
$7,200 $7,260 $712 $669 $626 $583 $540 $497 $454 $411 $368 $325 $282
$7,260 $7,320 $720 $677 $634 $591 $548 $505 $462 $419 $376 $333 $290
$7,320 $7,380 $727 $684 $641 $598 $555 $512 $469 $426 $383 $340 $297
$7,380 $7,440 $734 $691 $648 $605 $562 $519 $476 $433 $390 $347 $304
$7,440 $7,500 $741 $698 $655 $612 $569 $526 $483 $440 $397 $354 $311
$7,500 $7,560 $748 $705 $662 $619 $576 $533 $490 $447 $404 $361 $318
$7,560 $7,620 $756 $713 $670 $627 $584 $541 $498 $455 $412 $369 $326
$7,620 $7,680 $763 $720 $677 $634 $591 $548 $505 $462 $419 $376 $333
$7,680 $7,740 $770 $727 $684 $641 $598 $555 $512 $469 $426 $383 $340
$7,740 $7,800 $777 $734 $691 $648 $605 $562 $519 $476 $433 $390 $347
$7,800 $7,870 $791 $742 $699 $656 $613 $570 $527 $484 $441 $398 $355
$7,870 $7,940 $807 $750 $707 $664 $621 $578 $535 $492 $449 $406 $363
$7,940 $8,010 $822 $759 $716 $673 $630 $587 $544 $501 $458 $415 $372
$8,010 $8,080 $838 $767 $724 $681 $638 $595 $552 $509 $466 $423 $380
$8,080 $8,150 $853 $776 $733 $690 $647 $604 $561 $518 $475 $432 $389
$8,150 $8,220 $868 $790 $741 $698 $655 $612 $569 $526 $483 $440 $397
Publication 15-T (2021) Page 43