Page 28 - Filing Status for Individuals
P. 28

Signing a Joint Return                                                                    Injury or disease prevents signing.

                                                                                                        If your spouse can’t sign
    Spouse died before signing.                                                                          because of disease or injury and
                                                                                                         tells you to sign for him or her,

        If your spouse died before                                                                      you can sign your spouse's
         signing the return, the                                                                         name in the proper space on
         executor or administrator                                                                       the return followed by the
         must sign the return for your                                                                   words “By (your name),
         spouse.                                                                                         Husband (or Wife).”
        If neither you nor anyone                                                                      Be sure to sign in the space
         else has yet been appointed                                                                     provided for your signature.
         as executor or administrator,                                                                   Attach a dated statement,
         you can sign the return for                                                                     signed by you, to the return.
         your spouse and enter                                                                          The statement should include
         “Filing as surviving spouse”                                                                    the form number of the return
         in the area where you sign                                                                      you are filing, the tax year, and

         the return                                                                                      the reason your spouse can’t
                                                                                                         sign; it should also state that
                   Spouse away from home.                                                                your spouse has agreed to your
                                                                                                         signing for him or her..
                   If your spouse is away
                   from home, you should
                   prepare the return, sign it,

                   and send it to your spouse
                   to sign so that it can be              /!\ For a return to be considered a joint return,
                   filed on time.                         both spouses must generally sign the return. /!\

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