Page 30 - Supplement to Income Tax TY2021
P. 30
Form 1040-SR
Form 1040-SR (2020) Page 4
Standard Deduction Chart*
Add the number of boxes checked in the “Age/Blindness” section of Standard Deduction on page 1 . . . . ▶
IF your filing AND the number of THEN your standard
status is. . . boxes checked is. . . deduction is. . .
1 $14,050
2 15,700
1 $26,100
2 27,400
filing jointly 3 28,700
4 30,000
Qualifying 1 $26,100
widow(er) 2 27,400
1 $20,300
Head of
household 2 21,950
1 $13,700
2 15,000
Married filing
separately** 3 16,300
4 17,600
*Don’t use this chart if someone can claim you (or your spouse if filing jointly) as a dependent, your spouse itemizes on a
separate return, or you were a dual-status alien. Instead, see instructions.
**You can check the boxes for your spouse if your filing status is married filing separately and your spouse had no
income, isn’t filing a return, and can’t be claimed as a dependent on another person’s return.
Go to for instructions and the latest information. Form 1040-SR (2020)
28 | Supplement to J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax 2021